"Jesus fuck." She was on his bathroom counter, panting heavily as he trailed kisses down her neck and back up. "Can I breathe for a bit?"

"Nope." He cheekily replied, kissing her again as she pulled him closer. Her dress was riding up her thighs, his hands smoothing over her skin as he pulled away to allow her to breathe.

"Jazz! He's gonna shoot you!" Ezra gasped when Jasper sunk his teeth in her shoulder, the boy rolling his eyes as he pulled back.

"No, because your blood is in your body. Not mine." He sassed, Ezra laughing. Before they could kiss again, impatient knocks sounded loudly on his room door.

"You're not doing this again, Jasper! She needs to be out here!" Alice shouted from the other side of the locked door. Ezra laughed again when Jasper huffed and let her down from the counter, giving him a peck on the lips before leaving the room.

 Ezra laughed again when Jasper huffed and let her down from the counter, giving him a peck on the lips before leaving the room

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"It's nice that you guys are mates and in love and everything, but he can't keep hogging you like that." Alice whined as she led Ezra downstairs, Rosalie snickering. "It's not fair."

"Well, any longer and he probably would've kissed me to death. So in a way, thank you." Ezra joked, Alice pushing her shoulder as they laughed. "Where's Eddie?"

"...Bella wanted him to pick her up." Carlisle said when Alice went quiet, a look of irritation on his face. "She's really pushing it."

"You're telling me. Just say the word, and I'll beat her into a coma." They shared a small, somewhat humorous chuckle. They continued setting up for the party, Jasper coming down to join them after some time.


"Put her down!" Esme laughed as Jasper and Emmett tossed Ezra back and forth, her giggles ringing through the air as the door opened.

"Heads up!" Edward caught her and laughed, tossing her back to Jasper as he made his way to Alice. He gave her a sweet kiss, hugging her as he whispered something to her.

"What is she doing here?!" Bella asked when they finally stopped throwing Ezra around, Jasper glaring at her.

"We invited her." Rosalie snapped, Bella shrinking in on herself. She tossed the silver package in her hands towards the brunette, who fumbled to catch it. "It's a necklace. Alice picked it out."

"Thanks." Bella said with a fake smile, glaring at Ezra as she laughed at something Edward said. Alice chose that moment to snap a picture of her.

"For your scrapbook." She blandly stated, no longer having the energy to act happy around her. "Open your presents."

"Alice, I'm the only one who could eat the cake." Bella said as she stared at the table Alice led her to, her mouth open in awe. "That, however, could feed fifty."

"Hope you're hungry."

"Jasper, calm the fuck down." Edward said as he turned to his brother, who seemed to snap back into reality as he tore his gaze away from his mate. "You're acting like a prepubescent boy."

"She's just so...." Jasper trailed off as he got lost in the beauty of his mate, Edward smacking the back of his head to bring him back.

"I wish I could turn this shit off." He grumbled as he went over to Alice, doing his best to ignore Jasper's wandering thoughts. Bella didn't like that she didn't have all of the attention, cutting herself while opening Alice's gift.

Jasper went rigid, his eyes snapping over to her as a snarl left his throat. If anything, the smell of her blood made him get violent, not hungry.

"Woah there, tough guy." Ezra stepped in front of him when he snarled again, Jasper pulling her closer to him and burying his face in her neck. He was contemplating on taking a bite. "If it heals fast enough."

"WHY IS HE BITING HER?!" Bella erupted when Jasper sank his teeth into her neck, just staying like that instead of feeding from her.

"Probably because that's his kink." Emmett shrugged, Rosalie snorting and slapping his chest as Bella stormed over and ripped them apart.

"Bitch-" Ezra shoved her back, sending her into a table. The table shattered, cutting her arm as everyone turned to look at her. "Aw hell, let's go kiddies. Come on."

Ezra grabbed Jasper and Alice's hands, pulling them outside as Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, and Esme followed. Jasper ran off to hunt, Emmett scooting over to Ezra with a mischievous grin.

"So....Jasper has a biting and blood kink?"

"You are so...ugh."

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