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"Is she Italian, by any chance? Isabella does sound like she's from Italy." Esme asked Ezra, who snorted as she ate some of the food that was plated for her.

"Nope. She's one hundred percent pure bred-"

"Jesus." Jasper interrupted as he pushed more of the food into her mouth, Ezra rolling her eyes as she continued to eat.

"I don't know why we're doing this for her. She forced herself onto Edward more times than I'd like to count." Rosalie sneered as she tossed a salad, Esme shooting her a look.

"Babe, I asked myself the same thing." Ezra said as she nodded. "But, if she goes blabbering, you guys would have to move. And I'm gonna be honest, I'm pretty sure Jazzie would drive all of you insane before I get the chance to miss you guys."

"Rude." Jasper mumbled as he laid his head on hers.

"But true." Alice spoke up, shrugging as she waited on Edward to come back. She perked up, Edward quickly walking into the kitchen and washing his hands and arms before going over to her side and hugging her tightly.

"I want to kill her." He growled, Ezra smirking.

"Me first." She said, Bella coming into the kitchen with a look of annoyance.

"Ah! Bella!" Esme pretended to be happy to see her, the tight smile forced to stay on her face. "We're making Italian for you!"

"This is Esme." Edward forced himself to speak, still holding onto Alice as she rubbed his arms. "Our mother for all intent and purposes."

"Can I have more?" Ezra whispered to Japser, who nodded and grabbed her plate to get her more food.

"Bon giorno?" Bella tried, watching as Jasper slid Ezra's plate back in front of her.

"Molto bene." Esme said, keeping the edge out of her tone as she moved to block Bella's glare on Ezra.

"You've given us another excuse to use the kitchen." Carlisle said as he went over to his mate, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I hope you're hungry!" It was much easier to act happy when you were within the hold of someone you loved.

"I already ate." Glass shattered, everyone looking at Rosalie as she glared hatefully at Bella.

"Well, there goes the salad." Ezra mumbled halfheartedly, knowing that she probably wouldn't have eaten much of it either way.

"Perfect." Rosalie hissed at Bella, the girl shifting uncomfortably at the glare.

"I-I just assumed you didn't eat..." Bella trailed off as she saw Ezra give Jasper some of her food, the boy humming and nodding as they mumbled about something.

"Of course. That was very considerate." Esme said as she stopped smiling, looking back at Ezra. "Eat as much as you want, Ez."

"Ma'am yes ma'am!" Ezra saluted her, making them chuckle as she went for more food.

"Fat ass." Bella mumbled, everyone around Ezra glaring at her as she munched happily, doing a little dance in her chair.

"In all technicalities, Esme is the only one married. So Alice and Rosalie are up for grabs." Ezra suddenly blurted, Jasper shaking his head as he stood up.

"Let's go play a game." He offered, Ezra nodding as she went and washed her plate and hands. He bumped Bella's shoulder on the way out, nearly causing her to fall as Ezra put a game in for them.

"Are we just gonna pretend this isn't dangerous for all of us?" Rosalie boomed from the kitchen, her eyes on Ezra as she turned to her and shrugged.

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