Chapter Forty-Five

Start from the beginning

Nearly all Seven men were clean-shaven at all times.

Except for the Kaulu who grew red beards.

The Kaulu representative had dark brown hair and the starting of a red beard, just being grown. The stubble looked ridiculous but once it grew out the man would likely look distinguished.

"You each have before you a handbook," Kaulu called out. "You will read this book and tomorrow the tests will begin. You may return to your lessons when you receive a perfect score on your tests. This is not percentage based, this is absolute obedience. You will then follow the book to the letter. Yes, Naena?"

Naena stood, clutching her book to her.

"I know the book says certain things about clothing and hair—"

"There were too many exceptions to the hair, the length has been removed," Kaulu said. "Clean and orderly. As to clothing, well, we aren't about to tell you whether you need to wear skirts or not. That is your choice to make."

"So if I want to wear skirts, I can?" some student in the crowd called out sarcastically.

"You will be in skirts for the remainder of the year or you may leave the school," Kaulu responded steadily. "Boys, the Lord of the Seven had very low expectations of you and you still managed to disappoint him. With that comes consequences. The rules for your classes will now change mid-term. Mid-day, even, if need be. Per the handbook, anyone caught with a blade of any sort will be—yes, Naena?"

"I was given a blade and it was taken from me."

"Yes, you are not the only one. Heirlooms and gifts from the Seven have been passed to those who will hold them until such a time as you are permitted to hold the blade again. Yours went into the care of your sword."

She nodded and sat back down.

"If you take that blade back from him, the next time we find it, we keep it," Kaulu added.

Maeno heard Naena mutter a curse and he swore Kaulu almost smiled at her response.

"Magic is, henceforth, forbidden outside of curriculum, the workroom, or personal hygiene. Yes, Naena?"

Naena stood again. She made a bit of an apologetic motion.

Kaulu raised a hand slightly to stop her from speaking.

"If your life or the life of someone else is in immediate danger, magic is permitted. Immediate danger, boys. If a dragon comes down from the sky, you may not attack it. And, yes, Naena, I'm looking at you when I say that."

"What if I know a spell to send it back?" she said. "What if I knew a spell that absolutely would not hurt, damage, or kill the dragon and the coven failed again?"

"If a dragon comes this year? The coven will not participate. They are not capable of creating the spell. If another dragon arrives it means the death of one or more Seven to turn it back. So, Naena, I doubt you have a spell that can turn back a dragon without hurting it. You will not engage. If you do? You will answer to the Lord."

"Of the Seven?"

"Who takes charge of the scene. Your sword not being capable of stepping into a scene you made."

Naena paled considerably. Everyone knew the unuttered threat, that Kaulu would get involved and then they'd have their way because no one would dare interfere.

"One more," she said. "If... if I go off..."

"That's a very good question," he said.

And then Kaulu began going over magical charges and how a mage may or may not be held accountable for their charge and discharge. It made sense in many ways. If a mage took inaction around their own care and created a charge which then discharged they could be held accountable.

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