Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Three weeks Theon taught his class before an auditor showed up. He hardly cared about the auditor. The man's presence simply indicated that the Seven knew that Theon was teaching classes. Because he wasn't paid for his time, he hardly expected rules to be set down.

After the first encounter, Shorel said nothing to Theon about the state he left the classroom in. Even at that time, all Shorel really did was point out the supplies in the cupboards. The parchment spelled with cleansing so one teacher might show the class a spell while the next could continue on uninterfered with.

Nillon arrived at each class early, terrified and paying attention to everything Theon said. He wanted Trathor's little spy where he could be easily found. Theon controlled that time Nillon spent in his classroom. Though he may very well have given out secrets at the same time, the workload he placed on his students would be a burden to Nillon.

Who could not even grasp the concept of the mage's pot set of spells if the quiz Theon gave on the third week were any indication.

Sunday night, Theon opened his door, expecting Naena with a fresh batch of lemon squares and Graydon with whatever pout the Pan heir could manage that day.

Instead, he found Drune Kaulu, Lord Kaulu, leaning against his doorframe, a smirk plastered over his features.

Drune had married young and sired Andle shortly after. The man was still caught in the mentality of being a teenager when he was alone and away from his adoring fans. Too much pride and not enough effort or engagement.

But then...

Drune had been bound from serving as a sword. He hadn't needed to carry that weight on his shoulders. Nor would his son have taken up the mantle if not for Kaulu splitting from the Seven to stand against Naena.

Too much passed between the pair of them as they stared at one another.

"I wanted to be the one to deliver this," Drune said, holding out a little scroll. "Be well, war mage."

"Be well, Lord Kaulu," Theon responded, repeating the polite greeting woodenly.

He closed the door, a tremor shuddering through him as he looked at the scroll, sealed by the hand of the Lord of the Seven. The fact that Luk hadn't delivered the message personally was an insult to many, but Theon knew dictating that 'privilege' to Kaulu was nothing more than a bid for more time before the next vote for Lord of Seven.

Theon opened the letter and read the words, none of them quite registering as his office ripped itself apart. Wood groaned as it parted by the grain. The carpet unravelled itself as the world gave way, all emotion draining from Theon as he turned and arched an eyebrow at his door a second before it opened.

Graydon took one look at him and shoved Naena with one hand. Theon saw the platter of lemon squares leap into the air, her hands following it.

That was, perhaps, the only reason Theon didn't immediately lash out.

The Pan heir shoved her out of sight before he stepped into the spinning debris of Theon's study and kicked the door shut behind him.

He saw the moment. Saw Graydon's lips press into a thin, considering line, saw the thoughts flitting away behind them. He even saw the moment when Graydon decided he was already dead. Hard to miss, really, given the curt nod he did to Theon's wall as if agreeing with it before turning those Pan features to him.

Reflecting so much of his father at that moment that Theon mistook the time and place for nearly twenty years previous.

"Sup?" Graydon asked.

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