Chapter Thirty-Six

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He was being called by the council... apparently.

Graydon paced his little room, frustration boiling just beneath the surface.

He knew the spells, he knew what had been done to the campus. He knew that time was different now. Inside Amos, time had slowed almost to a standstill. No one outside would notice the change. Those who sat the council were under specialized spells, perfected over tens of generations. They would feel nothing of the time difference, no effects of fatigue or hunger would agitate or distract them.

They would be present every second of the way and maintain total recall once they left the spell. Even during, they would have perfect recall.

Nendan bellowing out, calling out to the dragons and all Seven within a day's ride, had brought an icy fist clenching around his heart. He was now the youngest lord and sitting to the right hand of the Lord of Seven.

And Graydon didn't know why.

Because a wyvern was killed? Because his father attempted to buy the lord's favour after dismissing the murder investigation? To make a public show of Lugh having power after they had their teeth pulled by the loss of a potential shield?

Or was it a simple matter of it being Lugh's turn to take the right-hand seat to Lord Pan?

Nendan shouldn't have sat on the council at that time. His father may have retired, but he was still alive and fit of mind. Kephor should have sat the council. Unless a lord had passed, he sat the council for the first gathering after he gave up his title.

Families planned votes out years in advance. Only the previous lord would have the intricate details required to make such decisions. Nendan should have sat as a witness behind his father, but instead, he sat to Lord Pan's right.

Graydon paced his room, alone with his thoughts.

Aware that one of the Seven would be with everyone called and some who were not. To prevent those called from taking their own lives or casting spells or attempting to—

Someone was with Naena.

Because if she wasn't being called, then he wasn't heir to Pan.

He went to his door and rapped on it twice before he stepped well back and waited. With the council called, he couldn't very well walk out. It'd be worse than a petulant child throwing a temper tantrum, but there were sometimes other ways to check on others or get information through.

The door opened, and Andle arched an eyebrow at him.

Graydon's methods wouldn't work if Andle Kaulu stood on his threshold.

Kaulu's heir guarding his door, not a good sign.

It only reasoned that if Naena was being called, so would he. Andle would make sure that Graydon didn't get anything extra or use his reputation and title to gain the upper hand before the council was ready for him.

"I should have someone in here with me," he said.

"Way I hear it, you do."

The law dictated someone had to stay with those being called. If his father decided to throw his weight around and claim Graydon had someone with him, then Graydon wasn't going to rock the boat and protest. Whatever the council said went.

"Fine, if laws are being followed, that's fine, but someone is with Naena."

He knew her better than anyone. He also knew she wouldn't sit pretty and still while someone from the Seven sat across from her. She'd get worked up, anxious, scared. She wouldn't lash out unless the Seven lashed out first, but he didn't want her running herself into the ground because she didn't understand how to take advantage of the situation. They could ask for books or whatever else.

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