Chapter Two: Sinaria

Start from the beginning

"My mother should have left your ugly black ass in Long Island to be homeless."

Alisha continued to yank my hair and slam her first into my face. At this point I didn't want to fight her. I figured she'd get tired of humiliating me and let me go. 

"Get the fuck off of her!" I heard a voice say.

Alisha let go of my hair and I weakly fell to the ground. I spit out the blood that had formed in my house and touched my eye. I knew it was swollen and was going to get bigger overnight. I took the oppotunity to look up at my unknown savior while I could still see out of my eye. 

"Here this bitch go," Alisha said rolling her eyes. "Don't you got a snotty nose little boy to tend to."

"Don't worry about my fucking son. It's just like you though to be beating on a bitch who clearly ain't tryna fight."

"And what business is that of yours?"

"Imma make it my business bitch! Don't nobody want all this bull shit in front of they house."

"Girl, fuck outta here. You a pussy and been a pussy. That's why Fatz started fucking with a real bitch like me."

Alisha smirked and crossed her hands across her chest. Her friends giggled behind her, probably boosting her confidence up higher than what it needed to be. At this point, I was putting my money on this mystery woman beating the fuck out of Alisha. At least that's what I wanted to happen.

"You talkin' about the same Fatz that was eatin' my ass last night?"

"Bitch, what?"

Alisha charged at the girl but stopped when the girl pulled a switch blade out. 

"Yeah, back the fuck up. You're a bozo and so is his ass. I'm not about to fight you over dick that's been movin' in and out of Brooklyn like the C train. But I will buck fifty ya shit if you think you about to put ya nasty hands on me."

The girl stared her down and I stayed on the ground still, waiting for what was going to happen next. Alisha sucked her teeth and walked off without saying anything else, her two minions followed close behind her. 

"You aight, shortie?" The girl asked me whilst helping me up. She touched my swollen eye and I winched from the slight pain.

"Come on, I got a first aid kit in the house."

She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside of her house which so happened to be next door. She swung open the door and pulled me to the living room. There was a little boy playing with cars on the carpeted floor that looked up at me with innocent eyes. I tried to make a silly face to get him to laugh but I think I ended up scaring him instead. 

"Why you was just letting Alisha ass put her hands on you like that?" The girl asked. I shrugged.

"I figured it's better to just wait it out than to try and fight her."

"Y'all know each other?"

"She's unfortunelty my step sister."

"Damn, so you probably been dealing with that shit for mad long huh?"

I nodded and looked up at her. She had pity in her eyes, which I hated. It was one of the reasons why I kept my friends away back in Long Island. I didn't want them to feel bad for my situation. That shit does nothing for me. I'm going to get out of this shit on my own. That I knew for a fact.

"What's ya name?" She asked.

"Sinaria. My friends call me Sin."

"I'm Minnie. You can call me that or Squeek."

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