Chapter Five: Sinaria

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"Girl, I'm just glad we got up outta there. What kind of name is Charm anyway? Never knew that was his name," Minnie said as we turned the corner and started walking toward her house.

"You know him?" I asked.

"Na, not really. His dad owns damn near all the pizza joints in the city. For the past three years, they've thrown him a big ass birthday party. Matter fact, that shit should be coming up this weekend."

"What's the big issue with his birthday?"

"Girl! It's like going to the hip hop awards or some shit. I went last year and I swear I saw Joey Badass drinkin' with Kyng while Charm was getting some striptease by a stripper."

"Who is Kyng?"

Minnie rolled her eyes. "It's like you've been living in a tree."

"I'm not from here, remember?"

"Whateva, anyway! Kyng is his dad and I think they call his mom Queenie. Kyng literally owns New York. Charm's party is a big deal."

We reached Minnie's front gate and stopped. She opened it and started walking toward her door. She looked over her shoulder and saw I wasn't following her.

"You not comin' in?" She asked.

"Are you ... going to his party this year?"

She started laughing. "Why? You wanna see ya new sneaky link?" She teased.

"I don't do sneaky links," I said rolling my eyes playfully.

"I wasn't plannin' on goin'. It depends if I can get Fatz to watch GusGus."

"That's his son. He shouldn't be watching him. It's called being a parent."

"Bitch, do I look like the choir that you feel the need to preach to? I'ma see what's up with the party and let you know."

"Maybe Alisha can watch him for you," I said while making quick steps towards my front door.

"Yeah, you better go home talkin' that bull shit."

I chuckled then pulled my keys out of my pocket. I could hear the music blasting the closer I got to the door. I exhaled slowly, preparing myself to go into what I felt was my own personal hell. I turned the lock and let myself in. I smelt something burning so I ran into the kitchen only to find Allyson trying to fry chicken. I turned the burner off on the stove and moved the hot pan to a different eye that wasn't on so the grease could cool down. I didn't have as many problems with Alyson as I did with Alisha. For the most part, she just went along with Alisha's bull shit. I still didn't like her ass, but it wasn't as much as the dislike I had for her sister. 

"My bad, I was just hungry and I saw you had it marinating in the fridge."

"I had plans to fry it for dinner but I guess I could make something else now."

We stood in the kitchen awkwardly for a few moments. It was rare she and I were ever alone and I don't think either of us knew what to say to each other. I was so used to always fighting with Alisha that I never had time to actually see what Allyson was all about. She was a follower in my eyes and I never wanted to see more than that. Anything else didn't really matter. 

"I see you hangin' with Squeak a lot," she said.

"Yeah, she seems cool."

"You know Lish is datin' her baby dad, right?"


"So ... why are you hangin' with her?"

I scoffed. "I'm sorry, am I supposed to have some sort of loyalty to y'all?"

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 30, 2022 ⏰

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