Chapter One: Sinaria

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Tears fell rapidly down my face as I watched the people from the funeral home drop my father's casket into the ground. Our family doctor said there was no way they could have prevented it. The cancer spread quickly from his kidney to his lungs. I think he only made it to maybe one chemo session before they realized that his best option was to just live the remainder of his days the best way he knew how. I will forever cherish those last precious moments. I could tell he knew he was going to die sooner than the doctor predicted. I also could tell that he tried to fight with the little bit of strength he had to not leave me. My mother passed away when I was three due to a complication during her hysterectomy procedure. Safe to say I will forever have a bad feeling about going to a hospital.

My father met Gena when I was twelve at some book convention he randomly decided to go to. She was supposed to be some up-and-coming author or some shit. Five years later and she is still "up-and-coming". Her books have always been less than mediocre but you couldn't tell her or her demon-spawn twin daughters anything. I begged on my hands and knees for my father not to marry her but my plea fell on deaf ears. He was in love with her fat ass and it was nothing I could do about it. He moved us out of the house he and my mother built together and bought a bigger house in Long Island for all of us to stay in. Gena pretended to play nice but I knew the truth behind all that bull shit. She hated me just as much as I hated her. And now that my father is gone and legally I can't just move out on my own, I'm stuck with her. My father hadn't been dead more than a day before I found out she had put the house up for sale and had plans to move us to Brooklyn.

"It's about time this sad ass shit is over."

I rolled my eyes. I hated hearing the sound of these two bitches voices. Especially Alisha. She and I constantly got into fights, more than I did with Allyson. She would always talk shit about my natural hair and tell me I was second best because I was dark-skinned. Bitch was just mad at me because niggas only fucked with her because she was light-skinned with a fat ass. Typical nigga shit. She wasn't anybody special and I told her every time I had the chance to. 

"Period, bitch," Allyson responded to her. "I don't know why Mama dragged us to this shit anyway. It's not like he was our daddy."

"Thank fuckin' God," I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that?" Alisha questioned.

"Yeah, what you gotta say?" Allyson followed like she typically did.

I turned around and snapped my neck at them. "I said thank God. Last thing I would ever wanna do is be related by blood to you bitches. I just buried my daddy and y'all already talkin' shit. Fuckin' relax, bro."


"Aye! We not about to do none of that here!" Gena said, coming over to deescalate the situation. 

I knew she was only trying to save face in front of family. She didn't really give a fuck about us arguing, she never did. My grandmother died a while ago and my dad only had one sibling,  aunt Camia. Apparently, she didn't like my mother and because of that, she and my father fell out. I tried calling to tell her about the funeral but she never answered. So, aside from some distant cousins that I barely talked to from my great uncles, the only people here were Gena's family. I guess to show the fat bitch some support that she didn't need. She didn't fuck with my dad for real. She only liked the fact that someone was paying her ass some attention.

"The limo is ready. We need to leave soon."

"Mama, I'm hungry," Alisha complained. "We not going back to the church to eat?"

"You know damn well I'm not eating nothin' from that church. I had your uncle go to the house and clean it up and I don't want his thievin' ass in there longer than what he needs to be."

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