Chapter 24. Tobirama's Declaration

Start from the beginning

"I hope so sir, though it is hard to gather this chakra but thankfully I found these old scrolls in the very same lab I found this vile of blood" said Garaki.

"Will he be loyal to me?".

"If you are the one to summon him sir, I'm currently working on something that will transfer chakra to you from these chakra storage bats I made, once the transfer is complete you shall be able to summon whoever this Uchiha is".

"Good.. Tobirama has caused me more than enough problems and it's time for me to exact my revenge and kill him along with All Might then no one can stop me".


The Anbu left after the police arrived along with the news, word quickly spread that the Anbu we're the ones that helped save the class.

After sord of that spread more and more questions were getting asked 'should Anbu be made legitimate' they have done more good for Japan in less than a year then heroes have for over 130 years.

More and more public support for the Anbu kept raising while the love for heroes kept dwindling.

Tobirama knew that heroes have many flaws but he also acknowledged that they were an important factor for society, his group weren't meant to be glamorous, they were shadows that are willing to stain their hands in blood in order to make sure people live.

Because of this he asked his Anbu to prepare to set up a broadcast over Japan's biggest TV station, Kyodo News.


"Hello everyone my name is Lee and in recent events it seems that the Anbu have helped save heroes again" said the news reporter.

"It amazes me still that a small group of ninja or as they are simply called Anbu have done more good than the police and heroes combined.

Crime is at a all time low, Japan's biggest drug and human trafficking rings have been completely shut down, hundreds of corrupt heroes are dead or arrested, the Meta Liberation Army and Yakuza are all but completely gone and from what we heard from police reports another MLA base has been raided and all the members are in custody.

Hahaha for me personally I think the Anbu should just replace both of them since they can do the job more effectively".

Lee was about to read the next paragraph when the lights went out in the station and came back on. He noticed that the people behind the cameras were beyond shocked and some looked like they were about to pass out, he slowly turned around and saw Tobirama standing behind him.

"I'll be taking over for a while so you can move" said Tobirama staring at the camera with his same stern expression.

Lee nodded his head and moved to the side just barely visible to the cameras.

Most of Japan right now was listening or watching this broadcast since Tobirama ordered his Anbu to use the emergency channel meaning that all radios and TV's were playing this.

"I'll make this simple people of Japan, my goal isn't to replace the police or heroes, my goal is to make a better world where people can live in peace and corruption is something people don't even have to worry about, I wish to make a world where children can be children and for us adults to make the world a better place for them and future generations.

I know that goal is near impossible given the fact that those in power don't want that, most of the problems this world faces is because of those in power and the fact that they want to keep you down in the ground.

They will lie and manipulate and kill and even cause global scale problems to ensure they are in control, even when the corruption is thrown out for the whole world to see, they will still lie and cheat.

Money, race, politics, religion, they are all invisible lines created by those in charge to control you, I've seen it happen before and I know lots of people out in this world have seen it. The corruption of this world is deeply engrained into our beings but yet we do nothing to change it, we allow our beliefs or something different to make us seem like we are different when in the end we are all humans.

Every person you see is a human, don't think of them differently just because of something trivial as the things I mentioned, we are all the same yet different, each one of us have our own dreams and desires and personalities, that's what we should differentiate people from.

I know some people out there will say something negative about it but that's because you were raised that way or only see the negative in things, look at the positive. If your life is in a rut then stand up and get out of it and make it better, make a life that when you have your own family that they never have to go through what you did. Don't let race or religion tell you who you are, your all the same yet different and it's time you learn that and realize we are all human".

Everyone was completely silent during his speech, no one said a word not wanting to miss what he said.

"I bring this up because as much as I wanted to avoid it, I can't anymore, I want this world to be a better place and the way this starts is to cut the head off the snake.

Because of that after I defeat the league of villains I shall declare war upon those who wish to continue to rule over us and use the very same things that have imprisoned us for so long. I herby declare the beginning of the Kage system to help free Japan and hopefully the rest of the world from it's shackles and free it from the very problem that has ruled humanity for as long as humans have existed".

The lights went out and came back and Tobirama was gone.


In Tobirama's main base he reappeared from his Flying Thunder God seal in the compound.

He looked up and saw all his Anbu looking up at him in complete shock, they had no idea this is what he had planned.

"Sir... Are you sure basically declaring war upon Japan was a good idea?" Said Dabi walking towards him.

"Good no, necessary yes" said Tobirama "I want this world to be a better place and the first step in that direction is to change the system and make it so that the companies and people in government along with many other entities can't continue to control us.

I know for a fact my system isn't perfect, no system is.. all I wish is for a better world for everyone".

They all watched at Tobirama walked away towards his bedroom, Kaina and Eri were quickly following behind him.

Once he entered it he sat down on his bed and felt a small pair of arms hug him, Eri was hugging him tightly, then Kaina came and hugged them both.

"Papa were with you all the way" said Eri with a big smile.

"She's right Tobirama, even if your plan doesn't work we will stick with you till the very end, we will always be with you" said Kaina.

"Thank you.. I truly appreciate it" he said as he hugged them both back.

"I just hope I made the correct choice".

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