Ch. 3: Realization.

Start from the beginning

"Hey. It's okay. It's a completely new feeling for you." I lean forward again looking at her, she's got this understanding look on her face with a hint of worry. I don't think she knows what to say. I sure as fuck wouldn't know. She hugs me tightly again and I let the tears fall. "What am I supposed to do? He's my best friend besides you. He... he means everything to me." She rubs my back. "Honey you have to tell him."

I know. I know I have to tell him. But what if he doesn't feel the same and I destroy a friendship with a person I've shared so much of my time with? What if he laughs in my face and tells me to leave? That would break me more than some breakup with a stupid girl. That would break apart my whole world. I can't fuck up a friendship like this. He's so important. The most important. Wait. The most important? Do... do I love him?

I shake my head trying to get my thoughts to clear. Robin lets me go and takes a drink from her beer now. "Yup look at you. You're in love. You need to tell him or it's gonna eat you up inside dude." I nod. She's right. "I just. I don't know how to even bring it up?" I drink down the rest of my beer and go to get another. I should be drunk for this. I grab another for Robin too. "Teach me how to admit my feelings oh mystic and all knowing friend of mine." She laughs, and nods. "Look I used to be bad at it too. Do you remember Vickie? Shit that took me a whole year to get out. And we broke up after one summer."

"I know but now look at you! A college girl! You've got girls falling for you right and left. I swear we swapped places." I open my next beer and take another long drink. It's helping me feel less like shit so I guess it's doing it's job. "Okay. Just call him up. Say 'Eddie will you go on a date with me?' and leave it at that. What's the worst he can do? Stutter over his words and say no? Nobody can say no to you. Lookit this face!" She pinches my cheeks. "Ow okay don't do that" we laugh and I close my eyes. "You're right."

"I know I am. Now do it. Before you lose your nerve." I nod and chug down the rest of my beer and wipe my mouth. I can do this. I go pick up the phone and call Eddie.

"Hey. It's uh.. it's Steve."

"Hey! How're you doing? You feeling any better? You looked... well. A little worse for ware when you left. I honestly was just about to come over there. It's been hours, I was starting to worry."

Fuck he's so sweet sometimes. I can't stand it. "Look I wanted... I wanted to ask you something and you can totally say no if you want and we can just pretend like this didn't happen. Okay?"

"Ooookay?" He sounds confused.

I look over at Robin who's giving me a thumbs up and had a huge grin on her face. "Eds will you go on a date with me? Like... a proper date?"

I can almost hear him smiling on the other side. "Hmm. So you do like me then? I see. Couldn't resist the ol Munson charm?"

"For fucks sake Eddie I'm being serious..." I pinch the skin in between my eyes and shake my head. Robin tries to muffle her laughing in the background. She's not helping. At all.

"Sure, Steve. I'll go out with you. You gonna wine and dine me? Whatcha thinkin?" Oh my god why is he like this? I like this guy? Really? His confidence is literally oozing through the phone.

"I'll think of something. Tomorrow after work? I'll come pick you up."

"I'll be here, sugar. You know where to find me. Talk to you later then?"

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. Be ready to leave by 8. Bye Eds."

"Bye, darlin." Darlin? I'm a mess. Oh my god.

I hang up the phone practically vibrating. I jump around excitedly. Holy shit I did it. Robin runs over and jumps around with me. "You did it!!" She cheers. "I can't believe I just did that. I have a date with Munson. Oh fuck. I have a date with Munson?!  WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!" I freeze and stare at a wall for a moment. "I dunno what do you normally do?" I let out a sigh and laugh, "smoke weed and watch movies." She laughs. "Okay so don't do that. Take him out to dinner. Don't be fancy. You're not fancy. He's not fancy. Just be yourself dingus. You'll be fine."

"Yeah that's true. Okay. Dinner. Got it. Should I like... bring him flowers or something? I don't know how to date guys. Oh my god I should cancel. What am I thinking?" She punches my arm. The dull pain stops my head from spinning. "Okay ow? But also thank you." She chuckles. "Dinner yes. Oooh go to karaoke! Eddie loves singing and you're not so bad!" She gets a big smile on her face. There are a couple of karaoke bars in the city over from us. We could totally do that. "Robin you're a genius."

We spend the rest of the night planning what to do. Where to go. What I should wear. I feel like a stupid teenager again. I'm so excited and so goddamn nervous. We drink a few more beers and end up falling asleep watching The Goonies on my couch. Tomorrow is gonna be perfect. I think. Wait no it is. Because he's perfect. Fuck I'm so lame.

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