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We waited for a whole six minutes until Yunho and Mingi got caught. It was a chilly six minutes.

Seonghwa and Yeosang were sharing the headphones, keeping us updated frequently. Byeol and I decided to be the ones to keep a sharp lookout.

"Okay, they're back." Yeosang informed. The Creeps had done a house-round check to see if there was anyone left, but now that they were with Yunho and Mingi, we can go in unnoticed.

"Let's go." Seonghwa said and started to climb the tree. One by one, the four of us made it to the top and jumped down into the pile of dead orange leaves. We took a quick glance around the empty backyard (it was huge) and sprinted to the back door. From there on out, we had to play the silent game.

Yeosang and Byeol walked in front of us while Seonghwa and I followed. The hallways, while endless, could only fit two people at a time.

Though there were seemingly infinite rooms, Yeosang said he was sure all of them could be unlocked from the inside. We figured the Creeps would realize it was stupid to keep prisoners where they could escape from their own jails, and decided to head to the basement first. Yeosang had told us how to get there before we entered the mansion.

We blindly followed him as he led us through the long hallways. Throughout the silence, I couldn't help but notice the weird feeling in my stomach. But I also couldn't figure out what it was.

It was like there was something on the tip of my tongue, but I just couldn't say it.

Kinda like there was something wrong about this rightness, but I just couldn't pinpoint it.

Just when I thought about ignoring it, a heavy wave of fear washed over me. It was so bad that I stopped dead in my tracks.

Seonghwa was the only one who noticed. He couldn't call out to the others, who were already heading through a metal door that could only lead to the basement, without putting us in risk.

Seonghwa shook my shoulders with furrowed eyebrows, then tried to lightly push me forward. I shook my head left and right... until it all fell in place and I realized what's wrong.

It was Yeosang.

Or, more accurately, it wasn't Yeosang.

The way he argued with me on the train, the way he kept being distant from Byeol... it wasn't like him. And not because San was missing... it was because he was missing.

But I couldn't explain all of that to Seonghwa right now.

I took once last glance at the door to the basement. As he closed the door behind him, I realized he must've figured it out. That I know.

Seonghwa frowned at the way Yeosang left us behind. I bit my lip, just praying that Byeol will be okay. Turning to Senoghwa next to me, I grabbed his arm and led him back the way we came.

"Min—" He whispered, but I quietly slapped my hand over his mouth. HOW did I not see it before? There are probably a million rooms in this house. At most, four could hold our four missing friends. Where do we even begin the search?

I led Seonghwa (who decided to just trust me) back through the hallways. Though most of the doors looked like they were locked, I remember hearing something on our way to the basement. As I tiptoed down the carpeted floor, I nearly missed it again until I hear faint movement behind the walls. I stopped in my tracks, making Seonghwa run right into me. We turned back around as the movement got a little louder.

Was this it?

We both hid by the wall, straining out ears to listen.


Black & Silver  //  ATEEZOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora