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I waited for Wooyoung to respond as I looked out the window from the kitchen table. It was currently early afternoon and Min was taking a nap inside.

Last night, she had fallen asleep halfway through the movie and I ended up watching the rest by myself. I had gotten her a blanket and left her there on the sofa, then slept inside as usual. But later at around four in the morning, I found the door to the bedroom slightly ajar and Min curled up in a ball next to me on my bed. She's cute. A few hours later, when the alarms started ringing to tell us to get to work and college, she asked if I could call in sick for her and for myself— Min didn't want to go and wanted to keep me with her at the same time. Something about being scared about me getting taken as well....

And so after sleeping in, we made an elaborate brunch to give us something to do, and then Min fell asleep again into a sugar coma. We had tried making a million different things including waffles, pancakes, biscuits, and different juices as well. Afterwards, I got my laptop to the kitchen table to do some work... but my mind refused to work on anything other than analyzing the past week's events. So after a couple failed attempts at working, I closed my laptop and just thought while staring out the window. We had a really open kitchen, so you could basically see the entire living room from where the stove was. There was no wall in between the two areas, so we decided to put a table here. I was thinking about our entire situation for a while until I finally decided to give Wooyoung a call after seeing Byeol's text. Surprisingly enough, he picked up on the second ring.

"Hello, who is this?" Wooyoung asked seriously in a low tone. I guess he didn't have my number saved.

"Wooyoung-ah, it's Seonghwa." I tell him lightly.

"Ohhhh, hi!" His voice immediately goes up with excitement, making me laugh. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, you?"

"Good." I hummed in response.

"So, what're you up to?" I asked.

"Ah, just texting my boss that I won't be able to work my shift today."

"You work?" I raised an eyebrow. For some reason, the eleventh-grade Wooyoung who would barely do his homework didn't exactly fit in the same sentence as work in my mind.

"Hyung! Of course I do! I need to pay my portion of the rent, help Byeol with her college fees, groceries—"

"Okay, okay, I got it!" I couldn't help but chuckle at his ranting. "Where, though?"

"Just the coffee shop a couple blocks from our place. Do you know Sweet Sips? There. After that, the dance studio to give — and take — one-on-one classes."

"You haven't given up dancing? That's great!" I grinned, remembering how he used to be so shy when dancing alone. However, when all eight of us danced with him, he'd be all smiles.

"Of course... Hey, do you still rap?" He asked, making me erupt in laughter.

"Oh my gosh, no! Those were just childish dreams of mine, I never took anything seriously. I mean, sure, I wanted to debut with you guys at one point but we all know how harsh the K-Pop industry is. I just enjoy music, that's pretty much it." He hummed in response.

We both stayed in a small silence for a moment. I thought about younger me and how I used to look like. Gosh, I really hated myself back then. Always thinking my voice sounded terrible, constantly growing my hair over my eyes so I couldn't see it.... I was a disaster.

Wooyoung's voice eventually sliced through the silence and brought me back.

"So, what's up? Everything okay?"

Black & Silver  //  ATEEZDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora