Chains or Wings

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"Literally the worst movie EVER!" Min shook her head as we exited the movie theater.

"Gosh, Woo, why do you have such a bad taste?" Yeosang nudged Wooyoung's shoulder which made him start complaining like a child.

"What? I thought it was pretty good!" He frowned, making me raise my eyebrows.

"Everyone died at the end." Byeol deadpanned. I laughed.

"True, but still!" Wooyoung tried to defend himself, but I placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me and I shook my head with a small smile.

"Whatever happened on the big screen stays on the big screen." I said, leaning back with one foot on the wall behind me. "But, in all honesty, it was fun to diss it together in the theater."

"Truth." Min nodded with closed eyes. Byeol's, on the other hand, widened as she seemed to remember something.

"Dang it, I forgot to tell you all!" She pulled out her phone, talking quickly. "I think I got a clue for CJ," Byeol said suddenly, and I stood up straighter. Everyone started clamoring all at once.


"What did you find?"

"When did this happen?"

"What's CJ again?"

The last one came from Yeosang. I guess Byeol didn't fill him in yet.

"So I bumped into this guy on my way to my bus," Byeol started to explain. We listened closely. "All his things fell on the ground and I was gathering everything. He had a cast on his leg, so I was trying to help. And so, I saw that there were basketball drawings on lots of the papers but one of them had the letters CJ on it– just like what we saw last night." She glanced at Min, who nodded slowly. She continued, "I tried asking him what it was, but he said was going to miss his bus and ran off. I tried to take a picture but it became all blurry." Byeol held out her phone to show us, and I took it from her hands.

She wasn't wrong; it was really blurry. I think I was looking at a bus?

"Maybe we could try editing the picture?" Wooyoung suggested, looking over my shoulder.

"Probably..." I mumbled to myself.

"What did I miss?" Yeosang asked while everyone was examining the picture. I handed the phone off to Min, who after a quick glance gave it to Wooyoung. I filled Yeosang in on the parts he missed about our case.

"Well, talk about strange." Yeosang blinked after I finished explaining. "Who leaves a basketball as a clue? These people are insane," He shook his head.

"I don't know, but I hope we get to figure out who this is soon." Min said, stepping closer to me. "I think Hwa and I should head home now?" She glanced up at me with a blank face.

"Oh, uh... sure?" I leaned down and whispered in Min's ear, "Everything okay?"

Min turned her face to look at Byeol, ignoring me completely. The only way I know she heard something is by the slight purse in her lips when she talked.

"Yeah, we should get going...." Min said to herself. Wooyoung glanced at Byeol, but the latter seemed to understand. I just wished she'd tell me what she understood, because I was really confused.

"Okay, no problem. Yeosang should probably not be late, either, before his father says anything." Said Byeol, to which Yeosang nodded.

"Thanks for the terrible movie!" I winked at Wooyoung who simply rolled his eyes. We all wished each other farewells and Min and I broke off, heading to the parking lot. Wooyoung and Byeol said they'd make a quick stop at Starbucks before heading home.

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