Fire Melting Ice

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Hello, readers! We got a spicy Emily and Sue coming in hot this chapter, so get ready! I've noticed an influx of followers here over the past couple weeks, so just want to say hello to the new readers and WELCOME! And hello to my usual gang, of course... and the people still reading my shit who don't wanna openly say it! Lol. I posted on my last update of You Love Me that updates will be slow over the next month as I'm starting back at work tomorrow now that summer break is over and i'm planning a move soon! I may be able to toss a couple updates out through September (I am going to try really hard cuz I got a oneshot up my sleeve and I know some of you guys don't wanna wait for that new chapter of You Love Me after that cliffhanger either lol), but frequency will most likely pick back up in October. Thanks for understanding and hope you enjoy the chapter!



Sue had been home for seven days now and she was giving high priority in giving Emily the silent treatment, even when they were in close quarters in bed. Sue slept with her back to her, she'd leave the room anytime Emily would enter, and she simply would not speak to her. Sue was mad and Emily understood why she was and she couldn't blame her. Emily acted out of pure jealousy over something that didn't actually happen and she was kicking herself in the ass ever since. Even during having sex with George, Emily never wanted it. It was a vengeful fuck, and now she was paying for it.

All of Sue's quality time was being spent with Austin and to say Emily was bitter about it would be an understatement. She was seething with jealousy every time she saw them together. Austin and Sue were all over each other and Emily knew Sue was doing it on purpose to make her jealous and, well, it was working.

Emily aimlessly paged through a book as she walked down the stairs and toward the living room. As soon as she entered, the sound of heavy breathing and lips smacking caught her attention. She looked up from the book and inhaled sharply as she watched Sue and Austin making out on the couch.

Ouch. Emily thought. She closed the book in her hands and cleared her throat as she crossed her arms. Austin and Sue pulled away from each other and looked at Emily looking at them. Austin was grinning at her with a slight look of embarrassment while Sue had a smirk and a look of accomplishment as she raised her eyebrow at Emily.

"Oh, hey Em!" Austin said, smiling at her as he finally was able to catch his breath.

"Ever heard about getting a room?" Emily said flatly, taking a couple more steps into the living room. "No one wants to watch you two make out all over the damn house." She said, annoyance clear in her tone now.

Austin and Sue both chuckled but Emily wouldn't even bother to look at Sue in the moment.

"Sorry, Emily." Austin said, adjusting on the couch. "I'll tell ya—since this one's come home..." He started, gesturing toward Sue, "She hasn't been able to keep her hands off me."

Emily nodded, "Mm. I've noticed." She clutched her book against her chest and glanced over to Sue who had been staring at her the whole time.

"What can I say?" Sue said, still looking directly at Emily, "Guess I just missed you so much."

Emily scoffed and rolled her eyes before turning her attention back to Austin, "Control yourselves, yeah? I don't want to keep walking in every room and see you two sucking face every second."

They both chuckled again. Austin rubbed the back of his head and nodded, "You're right... sorry, Em."

Sue raised her eyebrow and smirked at Emily again, "Right... sorry."

Emily shook her head and was about to turn around and walk away but Austin spoke again, "What's on the agenda today, sis?"

Emily sighed and clenched her book tighter to her chest. She was feeling an array of emotions—guilt, hurt, annoyance, and downright petty after seeing Sue and Austin all over each other the past week.

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