Welcome Home

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Emily sat quietly at her desk one early morning as she stared out her window. Months had gone by, and Autumn was already in full force in New England—the leaves were turning yellow, orange and red, they were piling up on the grass, and the air was getting crisper every day. The Amherst Autumn Bazaar was set to be held today and tomorrow, but not only that—Sue was set to return from her four month stay in Baltimore this morning and to say Emily was excited would be an absolute.

She missed Sue terribly. Four months away from each other was far too long for Emily to handle, and deep down inside she had hoped Sue felt the same way. They corresponded through the mail—constantly sending letters back and forth—so much so that Austin was starting to get annoyed that Emily was receiving more mail from his girlfriend than he actually was.

Emily could barely sleep knowing that Sue was due to arrive back home soon. She really hasn't been getting any good sleep since she's been gone, anyway. Emily had grown so accustomed to having Sue sleep in her bed with her, that she realized she needed Sue in order to get a good night's sleep.

She drummed her fingers on her small desk as she sat there deep in thought for a moment. She glanced down at the letter she had written to Sue earlier in the week but never sent it since she knew Sue would be returning home before she'd even have the chance to retrieve the letter.

'When I look around and find myself alone, I sigh for you again; a little sigh, and vain sigh, which will not bring you home. I need you more and more, and the great world grows wider... every day you stay away – I miss my biggest heart; my own goes wandering around, and calls for Susie... Susie, forgive me darling, for every word I say – my heart is full of you... yet when I seek to say to you something not for the world, words fail me... I shall grow more and more impatient until that dear day comes, for til now, I have only mourned for you; now I begin to hope for you.'

She brought the letter up to her chest and squeezed it tight—almost as if to find some sort of comfort while she yearned for Sue to come home.

She sighed, "God—I miss you, Sue." She whispered, putting the letter back down on the desk. She had her elbow on the desk and chin resting in her hand as she stared out the window. She knew Sue wasn't set to arrive for another hour or two, but something within her had hoped she'd miraculously arrive earlier.

Emily got up from her seat and walked over to her closet. With Sue arriving home, she wanted to look her best for her. She wanted Sue to come home, look at her, and realize that she missed her, too. But Emily already knew that since it was apparent in the letters that Sue would write to her.

She pieced through all her dresses hung up in her closet and ultimately decided on her plaid, maroon long sleeved dress and typical brown lace up boots. After she changed out of her nightgown and robe into it, she walked up to the mirror and checked herself out—running her fingers through her hair before tucking the loose strands that were hanging in her face behind her ears. She smiled at herself and nodded triumphantly—she felt pretty enough for Sue's arrival home. It's crazy—Emily had never gotten this giddy over anyone... never wanted to impress anyone like she wanted to with Sue... never felt that love ache for anyone else but Sue. It was always Sue and it always would be.

All Emily knew was that she needed alone time with Sue. She needed to kiss her and hold her and just talk to her and catch up with one another in person over everything that has happened over the past four months. Emily really needed to talk to her about something specific because, well, while Sue was away... Emily and George may have... you know? Emily didn't even want to say it or think about it—it all just sort of happened after she overhead Austin was bragging to George about the amazing sex he and Sue had before she left for Baltimore.

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