{ ' Just m0nika ' }

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* you sat and stare at eachover for a while, till she spoke up *

Monika:Darling, why would you every try delete me...

YN:something..was urging me to..something inside of me..

Monika:nonsense, this is still a game at the end of the day..now you can be with me together,  forever! While your friends suffer.

YN:I don't want them to suffer...

Monika:..fine. anything for youu! * shape waved her hand, and they were alive, but they were tied up with ductape and chains *


YN:..thank you..so what do we do now..

Monika:right so I fucked up the base game code- the only thing we can do is get a mod, or write poems! 

Monika:both got boring..I mean this isn't the literature club really..not anymore, oh well! For love!~

* sayori turned into a ghost, the chains slumped and she dissappeared *

YN:right..how long will this last...

Monika:Oh forever darling! Love never ends~

Monika:unless it was a bad relationship- then yeah, dump his ass! But that's not the point heree!

* sayori floated up, and became human, she slowly but quietly undid natsuki's chains *

Monika:I wanna know. Your powers..? I guess you control the game, your more powerful then me then! 

YN:I guess..I don't know how to use this though..

Monika:Darling I can teach you! * pulling up a coding book *

Monika:I learned everything here!

* sayori undid natsuki and started on Yuri *

YN:give me a moment to read it..* fake reading, focusing on the background still fake reading *

Monika:It's fine! We have eternity!

* sayori undid yuri and they all tip toed towards her *

YN:this is interesting..

Monika:I know right! So det- 

* when she was talking the girls left at her yuri grabbed her by the neck using a knife to keep it in place, sayori tied monika with rope, and natsuki pulled her head back *

* Monika's screams became fatal, she screamed, sounding like,e a massive glitchy malware hack, it was horrid, natsuki fell back *

* Yuri and sayori had to bear it *


* you got up, and pulled up the game files, the boom taught you well *

* monika stared at you about to cry *

Monika:d- ..don't do th- this to m...me..

YN:you did it to my friends. I'm sorry * and you deleted monika *

* Monika yelped out in pajamas throwing yuri and sayori off, her yells because distorted and glitchy, as she slowly shone in a light, glowing like a star *

Monika:I- I _ M S 0 R R E E - PLE @S_E ST>>0P IT- 1T H/RTS A#"@A@AZAX"@@Z

* Monika collapsed into light, she had been deleted *

YN:that's what happens..when your deleted...God that sounds painful.

Sayori:it was its like your lit on fire, in a volcano, while scorpions are stabbing you.

Yuri:gosh that sounds bad..Maybe we can go back to normal now..?

Sayori:how..monika is gone. She ran the club.

Natsuki:there technically isn't a club anymore..what exists is the coding that is/was our world

YN:so..you were right..it is a simulation and I'm not real..no one's real

* sayori came to you and hugged you *

Sayori:we will always be real in your heart. Now let's start a new chapter. 


{ Doki doki Gĺ̷́̄̚͘ȋ̵̔t̶̄̊̚͝c̷̢̢͈̯̖̄h̸̎͐̇̆̅͌club  } [DDLC FAN STORY]Where stories live. Discover now