Book Review: The Drowning Summer

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Has anyone else read The Drowning Summer? Well, it's written by Christine Lynn Herman and is absolutely amazing.

It was released in April 2022 and I honestly didn't realize that until I was almost finished it.

I really don't want to spoil too much, so bare with me.

The best way to describe the book is "Gay Paranormal Murder Mystery". Two girls, Mina and Evelyn, are involved with a kind of supernatural crisis with the ghosts of their town all while slowly finding clues to a past murder. And they're falling for eachother at the same time.

It sounds like it would be chaotic and disorganized but it's balanced and blended so well. The romance element is perfect for my taste and very refreshing when among the more intense themes. Such themes include broken families, trust issues, paranormal murder, and suprresing emotions.

There are so many great lines in this book, I wish I could just gush about it. It's one of those books,where you need to pause at times,to look up from the book and have a moment of "OH MY FREAKING GOODNESS" before reading for another solid two hours again.

The writing style is amazing, and I was able to finish it in a matter of days because the style and phrasing and plot flowed beautifully. The plot is complex enough to be,
interesting but easy enough to be a comfort read.

And the romance! I was literally and audibly squealing at times which is not something I normally do. I haven't read many WLW books but now I really want to because of this book. It might not be for everyone, but it's my favourite, almost ideal kind of romance. When I read a book with romance in it, I want it to be like this. Well developed, sweet and protective, and them bringing out the best in each other. I have so much more to say, but I don't want to say too much.

The side characters are awesome, the ghost elements are interesting, the murder elements are captivating, and the romance is squeal worthy.

Now, a few warnings. There is a bunch of profanity in this book. It didn't bother me, and if it doesn't bother you, great! But I know some of you would feel uncomfortable about that.

This is definately a YA book, from the themes and intensity alone. I really enjoy intense heavy books, so again, this didn't really bother me. But keep it in mind if you're thinking about reading it or reccomending it (which You totally should if it's appropriate to the audience.)

If anyone has read this book before, please gush with me in the comments because I desperately want to talk about this book.

An overall rating? This is definitely a solid 9/10 book for me. I would definitely reread and recommend this book to other people, especially if they enjoy intense books. Because as I said, the delightful romance in it balances so well and keeps the story fresh and interesting.

Let me know if you have or are planning to read it :)

Let me know if you have or are planning to read it :)

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