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"Irish is everything ready?" ask Justine

"yes boss Iblis everything's arranged" Irish answered

"alright then wait me outside" Justine instructed and Irish obeyed

"Appolyon you really are a sneaky bastard aren't you?" Justine said and in the darkness a shadow emerged

"don't make me laugh Iblis you are more sneaky than I am" Appolyon smirked

"should I be glad I am on your side?" Justine asked humorously

"don't flutter me that much Iblis I am nothing compared to you I'm just helping you get what you wanted remember" Appolyon chuckled Justine followed

"are you sure this will work?" asked Justine

"hey don't go doubting me now" Appolyon again laughed and Justine can only sigh

"I'll make sure tonight will be the doom of those f*cking Aces of Chaos" Justine said determined

"and I'll be here to watch you and help you with that" Appolyon said as they clicked their glass and drink their wine

'only if you'll make it out alive of course' Appolyon added in his mind as he smirk secretly looking at Justine

In the Ashford's residence, everyone was fast asleep with all the emotional exhaustion they've just went through, everyone was knocked out once they are home oblivious of the danger lurking on the darkness of the night. Everyone was awaken in the loud explosion followed by sounds of guns firing and screams, the alarm around the house blazing and instantly everyone run downstairs with their weapons

"f*ck" Darcel cursed as he was pulling Sean with him

"what the f*ck is going on?" ask Lance

"Lucifer's Mafia boss Tartarus" informed one man before running out again to fight

"f*cking d*mn stubborn Lucifer's" Daemon cussed

"dad you should leave this to us go to the main HQ they might also attack there" Darcel said

"Stanley, Lance, Maison, Hunter and Danica go with with dad and take Sean with you" Darcel instructed while exchanging gun shot

"be careful baby" Sean whispered enough for Darcel to hear

"you too stay close to them I love you" Darcel said though nothing is wrong with what he just said but somehow Sean felt uneasy

"go now" Darcel gave him a quick kiss before he smiled

"don't get hurt" Sean said and Darcel nodded showing him his sweet smile

Finally Sean and the others left through the secret passage not noticing who's missing. Caroline who was holding a gun took the chance wherein everybody was focused on the enemies outside shooting Raiden in his stomach Shawn who saw it instantly shot her back in her chest knocking her breath out as she tried to catch her breath but again Shawn shot her in her neck killing her

"Raiden" Shawn went to his friend who was putting pressure to his wound

"I'm fine it was just a scratch" Raiden said shooting the guy who was about to shot them

"f*cking b*tch" cussed Shawn as he ripped his shirt to tie it to Raiden's wound

"I'm fine no worries" Raiden said and both again went back to fighting back

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