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"how is Tartarus" Nyx asked as he entered the kitchen breaking Thanatos' train of thought

"still the same" he gloomily said

Nyx just sighed as he heard the response, all of them is already worried about the said man since a few days ago when they learned what happened, they were all worried but no one really can't do a thing, all they can do is wish for his fast recovery.

"what's with the gloomy air early in the morning" ask the new comer who obviously just got out of the bed since he was still wearing his night wear and his hair is a mess

"morning" Nyx just said

"morning, is he still not awake?" the man asked as he sat down the chair on the counter

"yeah" Thanatos answered lowly before he proceeded in making coffee

"it's been a week" The man commented

"mn Hell said he's been in a great condition and was recovering just fine but he still didn't wake up" Thanatos explained and handed the man and Nyx each a coffee

"well he broke his skull open after all" the man said sadly

"d*amn if that man was still alive I will f*ckin break his skull a hundred more time" Thanatos cursed

"well sadly we can't do that since even a tiniest part of his body is already turned into ash" Nyx said drinking his coffee while Thanatos just sighed

"by the way Nyx you're going away again?" the man asked changing the topic

"yeah the new weapons will arrive I need to go" Nyx answered the man nodded while Thanatos had indifferent expression

"what?" Nyx asked

"why can't Hades do that?" Thanatos pointed at the man with a pout

"he's been lazing around the house this past week" he added

"hey I'm not just lazing around" the man- Hades- retorted defending himself

"you are" Thanatos argued

"I'm no-"

"stop it you two, Tartarus had assigned him other task" Nyx cut them

"but why do you always need to go away? It's too boring here alone" he pouted

"you had your girlfriend" Hades retorted as he finish his coffee

"she was busy" Thanatos whined making the two just smile at his childishness

"then go do some important task Tartarus assigned you and stop making your underlings do it" Nyx

"no way! It's too boring following that perverted pedophile disgusting man who doesn't have anything to do but have sex all day" Thanatos said his face shows disgust

"as if you yourself is not a pervert" Hades once again retorted with a smirk

"I'll kill you" Thanatos said darkly and before he can move Hades already run out of the kitchen while laughing loudly making Nyx giggle

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