Part 15

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Today, Luke came home. Cassie was full of emotions and didn't know how she felt. None of the apartment was ready for the baby who was due in 3 weeks. Jake was picking Cassie up and then taking her to the airport to pick Luke up as she was now far to pregnant to drive. She couldn't wait to see Luke again but at the same time, felt incredibly guilty for not having sorted the apartment out for the baby. She'd woken up with slight pains but it was nothing new at this point.

"Hey, Cassie. Are you ready to go?" Jake shouted up to the apartment. Cassie opened the apartment down and shouted back down, letting him know that she was just coming. She made her way down the stairs with great difficulty and then to Jake's car.

Soon enough, they arrived at the airport where Luke was waiting. Cassie practically jumped out of the car eager to see her dear husband. Luke stood their, staring at Cassie's baby bump. He'd seen it ever so slightly on facetime but this was the first time he'd really seen it and how big it was. He stood there unsure of what to say and how to act.

"Hi." he said, thinking of the most basic greeting. "Hi." Cassie said, the world's biggest smile on her face.

He knew the baby was his but it so many ways, it felt like it wasn't. He hadn't been there for any scans or anything. The last thing he'd seen was Cassie's 8 week scan, which he kept a copy of in his pocket. It all felt so surreal.

They slowly headed back to the car, hand in hand with Jake telling Luke all about Spencer and the things that had gone on whilst he was away. It was all a bit awkward. Silence then fell as nobody really knew what to say anymore.

"Um, Jake, could we stop at the hospital on the way home?" Cassie asked, breaking the silence. Luke looked at her concerned. What was she on about? Nobody said anything. "Jake! I'm giving birth!" Cassie almost shouted. Luke's eyes widened as he flicked his eyes between Cassie and the floor. Holy sh*t. 

Jake diverted and within 15 minutes, they were at the hospital. They rushed in and then shortly after a nurse came to check how dilated Cassie was. A surprised look fell over her face.

"Is everything ok?" Cassie asked. "Yeah. Can I just ask how bad your pain is, from 1 to 10?" the nurse asked. "I'd say a 4 or 5." Cassie told her. "Oh...ok, then. Well, you are 7cm. We'll take you to a bed, now." the nurse said. Luke and Cassie followed her to the room, ever so slightly shocked Cassie was already at 7cm.

Cassie lay down and the nurse left the room. It was just the two of them. Luke sat on the chair, staring at the floor.

"Ready to be a dad, Commando?" Cassie asked.

-/- (I didn't know what to write) -/-

Cassie looked over at her boys. Her husband and her son. She couldn't quite believe it. Luke was overwhelmed with love for this tiny little baby boy. He could stop watching everything he did.

"That's your mummy over there. You've gotta be nice to her, ok? She's a rock star and one day, she's going to be super famous." Luke said. A cheesy smile came on his face and he looked up at Cassie before looking back at his son. 

"Me and you, we'll be her biggest fans. We'll go to all her concerts. Don't ever be scared or upset. You've got me, mummy and Peaches. You've got Grandpa, Uncle Jake, Aunty Hailey and Spencer. You and Spencer are going to be best friends. You've got Nanna, too. That's mummy's mum. There's Riley, Nora, Armando and Frankie. You won't get to meet Frankie but that's ok. You're going to know all about him. Your Uncle Frankie." Luke continued, talking to his 3 hour old son.

Eli Frankie Morrow.

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