Part 7

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Cassie's POV

Today, Luke came home. I had such mixed emotions but was more than ready for him to come home. I'd followed the routine of get up, walk Peaches, breakfast and go to Pendleton but this time, I stood by my car, staring at the gates of Pendleton.

Any minute now, the bus would turn up and soon enough we'd be together again. Any minute now. It felt like it had been so long since I'd seen him. It had been so long since we'd been outside together. I couldn't wait to play with the hair on the back of his head, hold his hand and just spend time with him. Things were finally starting to look up.

Soon enough, the bus pulled up to the gates and Luke got out. There he was. Luke Morrow. My dear husband. He had a beaming smile on his face, more than ready to come home. "Goodbye, Luke." the officer at the gate said. He gave Luke the nod and we ran towards each other. I hugged him so tightly, never wanting this to end. We weren't allowed to hug, kiss, hold hands, anything during visits so this felt amazing. 

"Oh, I've missed you, Cass." Luke said. "I've missed you too." I said. Neither could think of anything to say. It was like their tongues were glued to the rooves of their mouths. Cassie felt so stupid, for days she'd been thinking about everything she would say to him and now she couldn't remember any of it.

His hair was longer, more messy, relaxed. It made me smile thinking about how it had been not long ago, uptight and tense. I liked it this way. He was free of injury now, just a scar where he had stiches on his knuckle.

"You ready to go home, Comando?" I asked. "More than ready, Cassie Salazar." Luke said. We head to my Lexus and made the way home, stopping to get tacos on the way.

As soon as Peaches heard Luke's voice she went nuts. We could hear her barking from the ground floor so we quickly made our way up. Luke opened the door and was attacked by a excited Peaches. Her tail was was going crazy and she was jumping about at Luke who was giving her endless love, fuss and attention.

"Hi, hey, Peaches." Luke said, laughing. Eventually, she calmed down and we went out onto the balcony for tacos. 

Luke's POV

It felt amazing to be back, to smell the beach, see Peaches and everything else about this place. Tacos was a big step up from prison food. I looked out at the people, the cars and listened to the sound of the waves. It was almost overwhelming.

Me and Cassie talked for hours, eating tacos and giving Peaches the occasional one, which she would quickly eat. This is what I had missed the most, spending time together without watching the clock tick round, knowing we only had so long. A year after we first met, I was home and we were safe.

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