Part 10

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Luke's leg was bouncing up and down. He was nervous. Cassie lay her hand on his knee and he leant his head back against the wall. She gently scratched her fingers back and forth. He looked over to her then diverted his eyes to the floor. Places like this made his uncomfortable, reminding him of when his mum got sick.

"It's all going to be okay, Luke." Cassie said. "What if it isn't?" Luke asked. "Then we'll work it out. We've done it before, we can do it again." Cassie told him. "What if I've screwed it up? I probably have. Oh, I'm gonna be a sh*t dad!" Luke said, starting to ramble. He couldn't help it, thinking that he'd do things that his dad did. It made his mind spiral into all the things he could do that might hurt their baby in some way.

Cassie held his hand and squeezed it to let him know, she was here. He leaned his head against her shoulder, staring at the wall opposite. He wasn't one to freak out all that often but here he was, on the verge of freaking out.

"Cassie Salazar." the doctor called out, with a friendly, welcoming smile on her face. Luke and Cassie stood up, following the doctor to the examination room.

"So I understand you are here for you first scan." the doctor said. Cassie nodded, unsure of what she should say or do. She got up on the bed and pulled her shirt up slightly. "Ok, no worries. Now, this will be a little cold." she told Cassie, squeezing out the gel. Cassie reached her hand out to Luke who gripped it tightly. She could tell how nervous he was. 

After a few moments silence, the doctor turned the screen round and spoke.

"And here is your baby." the doctor said. Luke's impatient eyes locked on the screen. "So it appears you are about 11 weeks along." the doctor continued. Luke squeezed Cassie hand, darting his eyes between the screen and Cassie. This was all so surreal.

"And this is the heartbeat." the doctor added, turning the audio on. "There's a heartbeat." Luke said. "There's a heartbeat." Cassie repeated. Luke felt the tears staring to come to his eyes but batted them away.

The doctor then confirmed that everything was ok and as it should be. Both Luke and Cassie felt relief knowing that things were just right. They both knew that things could still go wrong but right now, they were just right.

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