Fun in Rain

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After reaching to there, Anuj knocked at the door.

Alisha opened the door and said, " Come inside."

They all came inside one by one, first Anuj, second Amrik, then Rudra. Natasha told them to sit on the bed. 

"So, what do you want to tell us, say," Amrik said.

"Yeah," Alisha said, "Actually I and Natasha both have decided to announce our relationship socially. As same sex marriage is not allowed in this country, we only socially proclaim our relationship. Since our legal marriage is not allowed, we both have decided to take the step."

"Wow, that's a great idea," Amrik said.

"It is really a very good step," Rudra said, "But will you invite Natasha's parents?"

Alisha became silent. She took a moment to think and said, "Well, we will go, what do you say, Natasha?"

"What should I say? If you want we will go to invite them. I have no interest to invite them as I know they will not come."

"You should try for a while, Natasha," Niwan said. "You two are going to start a new life with the reception party, don't you they should stay there to bless you both, wishing a happy married life?"

"I have no problem with my parents. I already informed them the date and venue," Alisha said, "They are very happy to hear that and they told that they definitely will come."

Rudra took the bottle from the table and drank some water. He looked at outside, as it seemed to rain.

"I think there will be rain tonight," Rudra informed others.

"No problem, we will go back before the rain starts," Niwan said.

It started to rain after Niwan's words. All looked at him and laughed. 

"Niwan, I think you are the who says exactly the opposite of what will happen," Natasha said, laughing loudly, " What should we say it? It can't be a weather forecast as it is exactly opposite of the results."

A wave of laughter went through all of them. Suddenly Alisha felt that they were getting distracted from the main topic. She said,

"Okay, okay, now, what I was going to tell, that our reception ceremony will be held on the last week of next month."

All started clapping as they were really happy for them. All were thinking what they would do in the reception party but Niwan was thinking another thing. His mind went to the his proposal topic. 

"There's a programme is coming. I should propose that day to Amrik," he said to himself, " But at first I have to take a suggestion from my mom."

"Hey, Niwan, with whom are you talking?" Amrik said.

"Nothing else, just leave it," Niwan said.

Rudra said, "Hey, what are you doing there? Come here, Natasha has a book of poems. She will read it for us." 

"Yeah, you will enjoy it," Alisha said.

Natasha started to read the poem. It was the poem of a famous poet.

" Self

Getting someone from the black;

Who has no need to come here,

Though you have trouble or not.

He comes to take your share.

The share is neither of your food,

Nor he would take your things.

He is only the one, 

With whom you share your feelings."

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