First Experience

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Few months passed. Amrik and Tushar were enjoying their newly made relationship. They both had their class works together, ride on the same bicycle for school, sometimes Tushar came his house to pick him up; otherwise, Amrik. 

One day, teacher told everyone to choose project partner for the projects of annual term. As usual Amrik and Tushar chose each other for that. For this project, they had to stay in each other’s house for a long to work overtime on that. Before this, Amrik never went to Tushar’s home. Tushar insisted him many times, but Amrik used to refuse. Tushar had visited Amrit’s home one or two times, but Amrik never. This time Tushar had already fixed to work on the project in his home, which Amrik couldn’t deny. 

The summer holidays started. Both of them had decided previously to finish their project before enjoying the holidays. Tushar took Amrik to his house. Amrik’s parents were known about their relationship, so, they gave Amrik a warm welcome in their house. 

“Let’s go to my room”, Tushar said. 

“Yeah, sure”, said Amrik.

Tushar opened the door and told Amrik to enter. Amrik saw there were a lots of video games rather than the reference books for study. Tushar jumped on his bed and said,

“So, have you liked it?”

It was really not likable for Amrik at all. He told Tushar in a fade up manner, “As I expected. I’d love the room, if we make some changes.”

“So, what’s your plan, to clean up all mess?”

Tushar knew that he had to clean up all things and to make the room appropriate for Amrik, as he was not used to be in such den of forest animals. Amrik already started to clean up, Tushar said, “Let me.”

“No need, thanks. And don’t get down from bed,” Amrik warned.

Tushar was surprisingly looking at Amrik how he cleaned up all over the room within ten minutes.

Tushar came aside and said, “Even I can’t do that if I waste my whole day,thank…”

He didn’t say anything in front of Amrik’s staring at him.

Tushar on his bed and Amrik on the chair, both were busy in project work. Suddenly a book fell down from Amrik’s bag while he was taking out his reference books. Amrik was about to pick up the book but Tushar snatched it.

“Oh, oh... h... oho, let’s see what is this.”

“Tushar, give it to me, give it..”

Amrik tried to get back his book but he failed. Although he was better than Tushar in smartness but he was too poor in muscle strength. He got over the bed to take his book back.

“It’s romance novel, Ah..ah.”

Amrik didn’t protest against the teasing. 

“You like romantic novels; then why didn’t you tell me before?”

“I didn’t want to, now give it back...”

Suddenly Amrik lost his balance and fell upon Tushar. Amrik was feared but Tushar had a naughty smile in his face. He Pushed Amrik on the bed and went on him slowly, slowly. Both of them felt excited but Amrik was still in a fear. Tushar kept his hand on Amrik’s neck and gave a light kiss there. Amrik’s heart got very fast beating. His collar of shirt was loosened and he closed his eyes. He felt Tushar’s hand was touching on his chest and kissing on it. Amrik’s was getting seduced. That was clearly seen from his expressions. He felt there Tushar’s kiss and a small bite on his own lips. While opening his eyes, he was constantly looking at Tushar’s eyes. Tushar came up to the edge of the bed and Amrik’s lips were sweetly getting bit. Their romance went to another level when Tushar had his lips on Amrik’s cheeks continuously. Amrik got his first physical love from his partner. That night Amrik didn’t go to his home. He already informed his parents about that. He had his dinner in Tushar’s home and shared bed with him. Their sleeping position seemed to be failed to differentiate their two totally separated bodies. 

From the next morning, they continued their project work and they completed it within a week. Amrik and Tushar often started to visit each other’s house, spend nights together. Their bonding was getting healthier.

Amrik didn’t want to let the summer vacation be finished. He must stay with Tushar as long as he wished, if he could. Tushar never let anyone to touch Amrik. He was little bit of possesive. Amrik loved that nature of Tushar. Sometimes when Amrik became unwell, Tushar started to get panicked. He stayed in Amrik's home till Amrik came around. Amrik always wanted a loving and caring partner as Tushar. He wished to capture all those moments in his heart to recreate all of the moments. When both of them went into any argue, after a little pause, both of them apologised to each other. Sometimes when Amrik kept finding books from the shelf of his room, he felt Tushar's presence while getting a touch on his shoulder, a bite on his neck. Those little things and naughtiness were only done by Tushar. When Amrik was about to leave after their homework, Tushar used to tie his body between his two legs. Amrik didn't try to get rid of it as his nipples got wet by licking of Tushar. His lips got stucked for a long time while getting a strong, a very hard kiss from Tushar. Their families were about to know about their closeness. Both of them took a little time but finally accepted. Their families used to go in a trip together as they had already enlightened their relation by having dinner to each other's house. Tushar and Amrik were friends in the school, but after that they became partners. It meaned that they or anyone of their families discussed about it outside. They thought they would wait till the right time to announce that matter publicly. Since they had passed almost a year in the relationship, till their relationship was a taboo in society. 

One day, there was very hot. So, Amrik thought to take a bath. He went into the bathroom but forgot towel. Tushar was also in the room.

"Hey, Tushar, please give my towel. It's on the bed." 

Tushar gave the towel and was about to enter in the bathroom.

" No", Amrik said, "Not now."

Tushar was not ready to easily lose. He sat on the bed in the room. After a while, Amrik came out of the bathroom. He was in the towel. Tushar had a naughty idea in mind. 

"What's that?"he pointed on the door of the bathroom behind Amrik.

"What?" Amrik said moving his head to the backside.

Tushar tried to pull off his towel and statred laughing. 

"What are you doing?" Said Amrik, while maintaining his towel.

"This is what I want", Tushar said with a smile and knelt down in front of Amrik. He couldn't control himself to pull down him and kiss him again and again. Amrik was getting too warm. He pulled Tushar up towards him and pushed him to the bed. Now it was his turn. Tushar could easily feel the comfort while getting love from Amrik and feeling his little sweet bites on his hands for love making. This went on for a really long time. 

                                     To be continued...

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