Love Wins

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Kailash looked in front of him but didn't get shocked this time as he knew that was going to happen. His parents' eyes were in tears but they had no courage to go to him. This time Kailash didn't step back and walked slowly towards them. He said to Anand's mother,

"I think someone can't find the path to their home. Please show him mom."

"Kailash, I... I... I was going to say sorry."

Kailash stopped his father in the middle. He said, " I think you declared me dead already. So why are you saying sorry here? Go and say sorry at my picture."

"Please don't hurt us more, my son, please," Kailash's mother said.

"Hurt?" Kailash laughed and said, " you are talking about hurt? You? Who everyday made me feel dead inside and think about doing suicide, you are talking about hurt? Really, what a joke." 

The clapping sound of Kailash was only heard in the silence and emotional environment. 

"Why did you come here? What did you think dad? I should forgive you two, knowing that again you will kill me from my heart and make me a puppet of you. Is that what you are thinking?"

"No, my son, no. We have realised our mistakes. You tell us, now what should we do to make you believe us?"

"See that, you are still getting angry. You always do that dad," Kailash said, "you never let anyone speak in front of you, you have no patience to listen to your child's problem. Just do this, do that, you used to order everything for me as I was a slave of yours in the hell house."

Kailash's mother cried out and said, "We are really sorry my son. Now, from this time, we both will do as you wish. We never try to be rude to you."

"And you think I'll forgive you after such an emotional drama? I have no fear of you anymore. I realised my mistake. I have let you to rule my life but I forgot that being an obedient child doesn't mean being a puppet."

"Kailash, that's enough. They have realised their mistakes," Anand's mother said and held Kailash's hand.

"No mom, please don't stop me. I know them very well, they are afraid of their reputation in this bloody society, but I don't go with you back, I will stay with Anand forever."

"Who said that we are here to take you back?" 

Kailash was surprised as well as Anand and his mother after hearing such words from his father. He didn't make out what he was going to say next.

Kailash said, "what?"

"Yes my son, we are here only to apologise to you," Kailash's mother said and came towards him.

"Wait," Kailash's father stopped her and took out two boxes from his pockets.

"Here's it," he said to her and gave one of the boxes to her. 

"What's this, dad?" Kailash said.

Both of them opened the boxes in front of him and Kailash's mother said, "this is for you two."

They both showed two rings and insisted Anand and him to place them on each other's fingers.

"We want an official announcement of your engagement after it," Kailash's father said, "we have made a huge mistake before and we both want to fix the problem. We will tell it later, at first both of you complete this ceremony."

Kailash and Anand were placing the rings and Kailash was having a mixed feeling, as his heart got divided into two parts; one is in shock and one is in joy. Anand's mother brought sweets from the kitchen and gave them to all.

Kailash rushed to his parents and hugged them tightly.

"Love you so much mom and dad, you don't have any idea what you have done for me."

Both of them place their hands on Kailash's head while hearing such words of their hearts'satisfaction. Kailash's mother said,

"Now please forgive us my child, please."

Kailash cried loudly and the hug became much more tight from both sides. All of them had tears in their eyes.

"Who's there?" Anand felt some people peeping from the window and he said that.

There was no answer. All of them in the home were looking there as they couldn't see anyone outside.

Kailash went to the door and opened it.


Amrik and all the members of their group yelled together.

Kailash and Anand both were feeling strange as well as awkward.

"Wait, but, how did you know everything?"

"Hello aunty, hi uncle," Niwan said to Kailash's parents and they too said so. The tiny 'hello', 'hi' conversation removed all doubts.

All of them arranged a reception party for Anand and Kailash. It was also the occasion of Kailash's novel's massive success in Wattpad app. They started leading a happy life together. 

That night, Kailash and Anand didn't get intimate, as they already found the true meaning of love, that was not only the intimacy, it was the pain reliever tight hug which they used to get in each other's arms in bed.

On the other side, Alisha and Amrik was planning to have a child but the country's law didn't permit the homosexual couples to adopt children. So, Amrik and his partner Niwan decided to have a mutual marriage. According to their decision, Amrik had to marry Alisha and Natasha to Niwan. But Alisha denied that and said that she would marry Niwan legally and she wanted Amrik to marry Natasha. Amrik clearly made out every inner thought in Alisha's words. Both agreed to the decision and finished their first step for their happy life.

Now, they all sat in a conversation and decided to have children of their own. The four first bought a house and settled there. Amrik and Niwan had their children through surrogacy. At first Natasha and Alisha didn't want to conceive but lastly they agreed. Amrik and Natasha had a boy and Niwan and Alisha got blessed by a girl. Though their lavender marriage was only for the children, they had the decision that they would approach their children as normal other families. They would never question their sexual orientation whether their children were liking a boy or girl.

Thus, their happy family got completed and continued their unusual and wonderful journey in their sweet home.

                          ...The End...

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