He is Back

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It was Niwan. He had applied for the job but he didn't know who was the new boss. 

"May I come in sir?" Niwan said at the door.

"Yes, come in." 

Niwan was feeling very uncomfortable as he saw Amrik on the chair of the interviewer.

"Relax, You have no need to panic."

Niwan couldn't look at Amrik's eyes. He managed to hide the shock he got after seeing Amrik there. 

"So, Mr. Niwan Chowdhury, say something about yourself without repeating your name."

"Sir, myself Niwan Chowdhury, My father's name is Late Abhishek Chowdhury, my mother's name..."

Amrik didn't hear anything after learning the word 'Late'. He met Niwan's father many times when they were friends. He had previously read the biodata of Niwan and he knew that Niwan would be the best in that position. 

After the interview, Niwan was told to wait outside. Niwan, who had already given up the hope to get job in the company, because of his past behaviour to Amrik.

The lady who was managing the whole interview entered into the interview room and came out with the list of selected candidates for the company which was attached on the board that was in her hands. She was taking the names who were getting selected. Already the number was about to finish, only one name was rest. Niwan was ready to leave; as he was sure that his hope for selection was over.

“Niwan Chowdhury...”

Niwan looked back on the lady.


“Congratulations, you are selected,”

Niwan never expected this as he really needed the job and he made up his mind after seeing Amrik that he would never be selected as he was the only reason for all the humiliation Amrik had to face in early times. He was also responsible for making Amrik’s parents to leave. But Amrik selected him after all of these. Niwan was really thankful to Amrik as he could earn and feed himself along with his mother, who was unable to use her legs, thus she used wheel chair. He should thank Amrik for this and say sorry to him for all the mess he had done with him before.

At the time of 4 p.m., Niwan saw Amrik coming out of the office. He went to him and said,


Amrik didn’t stop as he pretended as he didn’t notice Niwan. He continued walking to his car.

“Amrik, Amrik, I want to say you sorry for that.”

Amrik looked back for a while with a face of mixed feeling of pain and anger. He opened his car and rushed into his car. He took no time to run the car immediately. 

Niwan was very upset. He knew that it was normal for Amrik not to forgive him. He didn’t do any good with Amrik as he only gave pain and humiliation to him. He came back to his house.

“How’s your interview, Niwan?” his mother asked.

“I’ve got selected for the job,” Niwan said in a very upset tone.

“Wow, this is a very good news. But why are you so upset? Aren’t you happy?"

“No, not at all, I’m glad for my selection."

“So, why is your face looked so upset?” Niwan’s mother said.

Niwan didn’t answer the question. He told his mother that he was going to get fresh. Niwan’s mother knew that Niwan wasn’t thinking about the selection, he was tensed with any other matter. Anyway, she already gave up her hope about Niwan’s currier, but she was very happy after hearing that as it would solve their financial problem.

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