Amrik could easily find the apology Tushar seeking to him through his teared eyes. He tightly hugged Tushar and said, “If you don’t want me to talk to any guy too much except you, I promise I don’t.”

Tushar was coming around within few months. He didn’t let Amrik to leave him for a single time. Tushar went crazy sometimes when Amrik talked with any other guy for a long time. Things were getting more complicated when Tushar tried to spy on Amrik and got caught red handed. Amrik was trying his best to continue the relationship. 

Tushar was behaving like a dominating boyfriend. His nature was getting wild day by day. He never allowed Amrik to go to tuitions. His mind was always telling that Amrik might be cheating on him. Amrik was taking him for granted. 

Actually, Amrik was not expecting these types of behaviour from Tushar. His studies were getting affected for not attending tuition classes. But he didn’t let his parents to know about this. 

At last, Amrik and Tushar gave their last terms. Both had scored well, but Amrik’s marks were better than Tushar’s. This made Tushar a little jealous. He started behaving with Amrik in a very rude manner. Amrik handled the whole situation as an adult guy. 

Amrik and Tushar both completed their school education. Amrik didn’t apply for college till then, but Tushar had already applied and didn’t tell Amrik about it.

One day, when Amrik was in Tushar’s house, a postman came with a letter. Tushar was in the bathroom, so, Amrik had to receive the letter. After taking the letter from the postman, Amrik broke the seal and opened it. It was Tushar’s admission letter.

Amrik was totally shocked that his brain was kicked by any little creature. He couldn’t believe that Tushar did this to him. He knew that study and relationship both were two different matters. In the studies, the competition was still going on, but Amrik never affected his relationship instead of his little loss in his studies. Tushar was jealous of him, he knew that. But the jealousy would go to such a level that he secretly applied in college and didn't tell Amrik anytime.

Tushar came out of the bathroom and said, “Who’s there, Amrik?”

“Congratulations,” Amrik showed the letter to Tushar, “You’ve got admission in St. Nakov college.”

Tushar’s voice was very dry. He said, “Actually, Amrik, I was about to tell you but...”

  “But you didn’t tell me, right?”

Tushar was very silent. There was a long pause in the room. Amrik took his bag and said, “Bye.”

“Amrik, A... Amrik, please, let me explain, I was going to tell you but I didn’t get any chance.”

“Have you not used your phone? Are the messaging features not working? Have you called me, or messaged me one time?” Amrik shouted.

He packed his all matters and was ready to leave. Tushar held his hands and said, “Please, please don’t leave me, please, I will not survive anymore, please don’t go. You're the only one in my life, how can I live without you? Please stay, please don't leave."

Amrik snatched away his hands and said in a very low tone, “I think we should take time for each other. You need to overcome your jealousy, that is making a distance between you and me."

“Please, please don’t leave me …please…”

“Listen, listen, listen, listen to me carefully Tushar.” He held himin his arms, “Just take your time, we should stay away from each other for a while. D…don’t cry, I will come back, I promise. You should stay alone for sometimes.”

Amrik rushed out of the house holding his tears in his eyes. He didn’t manage the crying of Tushar. He too had to face a lot of pain but it would be better for Tushar for taking time and understand himself.

He should understand their loving bond was too strong to be broken by any third person. Both of their parents were unknown about that, Amrik managed all of them by saying that Tushar had to pack things and he had to apply to some colleges. He also had to take admission in a college. He filled up many application forms. His selection was also done by some of them. Now, he had to chose a college. He always had a dream to study in a big city but he compressed his wishes for Tushar. He was thinking to get admitted in nearby college for higher studies. 

Neither Amrik picked up calls of Tushar nor he replied to his texts. He totally wanted to take a gap from this long-term relationship which was becoming full of misunderstandings. He thought that he would tell Tushar about his college selection but in the very moment he changed his mind. The way Tushar was taking this relationship, it would cause such a dangerous result. 

On the other side, Tushar was getting depressed. He couldn’t feel happy while Amrik was not around him. He never imagined to stay away from Amrik. Every moment for him was passing like years. He was feeling Amrik’s importance in his life in every step. He realised his mistakes. But it should not be right to call Amrik right now.

Amrik and Tushar both were not happy with this long distance. Amrik was thinking about to go back to Tushar now, but then he thought it was not the right time. He should take a few times more.

After a few moments, Amrik decided to go to a solo trip to mountain and enjoy the refresh air. He must need a freshness to give afresh start. After returning from the trip, he would go to Tushar. He started packing his bags for the trip.

Here, Tushar’s mother was very upset about his condition. She understood all those things while peeping at Tushar’s teared eyes and poor mental condition. She called Anand as she thought he needed a schoolmate for recovering. Anand came and after seeinghim Tushar begged apology from him. They both started passing times by talking, playing video games and learning each other’s jokes. 

Anand used to visit everyday to Tushar’s house. Tushar’s mother welcomed him and let both of them enjoying. She didn’t go to disturb to Tushar’s room as she saw her son happy again after a long time.

“Hey, which new game you brought today?” Anand asked.

“Open the drawer and see,” Tushar replied.

“Wow, this is a recently released game, when did you buy it?"

“I won’t tell you,” Tushar laughed.

Anand and Tushar were getting closer day by day. Sometimes while playing video games, one's hand fell on another's hand. They both looked at each other but pretended as nothing was happening. Tushar's mother used to make cookies for Anand. Anand told her that he loved that so much as they were very very tasty.

Both of the two partners were busy in their own worlds, unknown to each other's condition. Tushar was enjoying the company of Anand and on the other hand, Amrik was getting excited to tell everything about his trip to Tushar after returning home.

                                       To be continued...

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