"How'd she know" I asked

"She knew she'd have complications. She figured it meant death" Uncle Meech sighed

"You knew" I asked

"After you were born. She told me" He sighed "made me swear not to make her daughter think it was her fault. Told me to protect her" he wiped some tears away

"And our dad never was the wiser" Zion held his letter

Dear mighty Zion
Take care of yourself and your little sister. Although you don't know she's a she. Take care of baby guppy. That's what you call the baby in mommy's tummy. You are mighty like the lions, daddy has shown you. Smart like cheetahs, daddy has shown you
Loving like the elephants, daddy has shown you. Wear your travelers hat with pride. I am not ashamed of the life we've given you so far but the treehouse is no place for a family. Daddy wouldn't understand and so I sent you and your sister away. Mom will spoil the socks off you and Uncle Meech will continue to make sure you grow up to be the excellent young man mommy knows you will
Love Mommy

"So she up and left dad" He sighed

"To give you kids a chance" Nan smiled at us "it was for the best"

"You know" I asked

"I wish" She sighed

"I have spent years hating your father. Thinking he was a selfish son of...." Uncle Meech stopped and sighed "he had no idea"

"But still he should've came" Zion yelled

"He didn't know Zion. You read the letter. She left" Uncle Meech tried to calm Zion down

"No excuse" Zion sat down "He should've came"

"He has no idea about us" I sighed

"Josef Alavarez" Shiloh pulled out her phone

"Man lives in a jungle you won't find him. I looked" Zion sighed

"We didn't have a last name before" I stood next to Shiloh

"Owns a animal rehabilitation center" She smiled "this him" she showed us the picture of the man with his family
I compared the man to the pictures in moms photo album

"Looks enough like him. Where's the rehabilitation center" Zion asked

"New Mexico" Shiloh smiled

"He is in the states" Zion looked at her

"If this him" she shrugged

"Wait. I know what you are thinking and I want in" Uncle Meech nodded

"Should we call" I asked

"Let's just show up. More cliche" Terra looked at Zion

"I say we call" Shiloh looked at me

"We call" I nodded

"As much as my woman loves a good cliché. I say we call" Zion agreed
I sighed and dialed the number on the website put the phone on speaker and laid it on the table a man answered
Me: Hello I am calling to see if I can talk to Josef
Man: This is he
Me: do you remember a woman named Tess Spencer
Josef: who is this
Me: I'm her daughter and I'm here with my brother
Josef: It can't be
Me: Josef I think you are my father
Josef: and I think you are mistaken. I'm sorry
Zion: Dad wait
Josef: Zion
Zion: It's me your boy
Josef: So your mother had a
Zion: Little girl
Josef: we must meet at once. I have many questions
Zion: Forreal, you want to know us
Josef: I thought something terrible happened to you both
Me: Uh you live in New Mexico
Josef: I do and you both live
Zion: Jersey
Josef: Zion my boy I will book the flight myself. You and your sister are very welcomed in my sanctuary. I will love to show it to you
Zion: sounds great
Me: our families too
Josef: You have families
Zion: we are in serious relationships and would love for you yo meet them. As well as our uncle and grandmother have to come along
Josef: that sounds magnificent. Wonderful I will begin booking the flight. Call my cell and we'll talk business. I must be going now. Adiós

"That was our dad" I looked at Zion

"Unfreaking real" He picked me up

"I'm going to meet your father. The man I assumed I knew" Uncle Meech sighed "I gotta go lay down"

"This is alot of excitement but remember, you both don't know him and he doesn't know you. He doesn't know what it took to raise you both. He doesn't know you're gay and that you're girlfriend likes women. He doesn't know what meeting his kids will be like. If he responds in a way neither of you expect just try not to get hurt" Nan smiled warmly

"We know Nan" Zion and I hugged her

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