1. Miyabi calmed down into being a semi-normal human being

2. Shiro got used to her enough to ignore the hyperactivity

Neither of these happened.

Miyabi continued to be a hyperactive child in an adult's body, and Shiro continued to be ever annoyed by it no matter how much he tried to block the woman out.

Miyabi was five foot nothing, petite to the point she looked like a child, and startlingly blonde. She was fast and she was smart, but dear god she got on Shiro's nerves even after all these years.

"Shiiiiiiroooo!" the woman whined, and the blind male forced himself not to groan. The two of them had been going back and forth for the past 20 or so minutes, neither giving up any ground, but Shiro was tired. He'd stayed up late last night talking to Sugawara and then it had taken him even longer to actually fall asleep, only to be forcefully awakened by Natsu jumping into his bed.

"Miyabi," he sighed, knocking his glasses off to the side so he could rub at his eyes, "it wouldn't be safe." The woman blew a raspberry at him, pacing around the little office since it seemed she literally couldn't sit still.

"Just get Shoyo to do it if you're so worried about stabbing yourself." Shiro's face blanked, moving to glare at the general direction he thought Miyabi was in. It was always hard to track the woman through her voice due to how much she moved. For all Shiro knew he was glaring at the open air.

"You want me to give Shoyo, nervous wreck Shoyo, a sharp object to stab into my whenever I eat?" He was talking slow, trying to grasp the subject himself, when the door opened and closed in the tell-tale sign that Emica and Natsu were back.

"What is this about Shoyo and sharp objects?" Emica knew that Miyabi meant well, but Shoyo would most likely faint if he ever had to deal with a needle, let alone have to put one into someone.

"Look," Miyabi said exasperatedly, "It doesn't specifically have to be Shoyo, it just has to be someone you at close hand when you eat." The sound of wheels on the tile floor let Shiro know that the small woman had gotten back in her spinny chair and was moving around in it, but he didn't particularly care.

What Miyabi was asking for was basically impossible.

Miyabi wanted him to start doing insulin shots before or after he eats since the pump was mostly there to just give him a steady supply so he wouldn't die, but with being blind he'd probably need someone to do the shots for him. The first choice had been Emica, who'd been perfectly fine with the new job but that wouldn't work so well at school and if she ended up getting caught behind at work. The second choice had been Shoyo, but that would just be...

That would just be a disaster.

The third choice though, that one could work. The third choice is-

"Sugawara!" Everyone looked over at Natsu, who was half asleep on Emica's shoulder. "I want to see Sugawara again," she whined softly, and that's all the two adults needed.

"Soooooo," Miyabi leered at Shiro, "who's this Sugawara? Your boyfriend?" Shiro sighed, burying his face in his hands and wishing that the ground would just open up and swallow him whole.

The third choice would be to get someone from school to help him with it.

"He's just a friend," Shiro said, but he knew for a fact that it would go in one ear and out the other with Miyabi. The woman was his doctor, the woman had been his doctor for years, but she was so nosy about his home life that it got old and irritating very quickly.

"Just a friend you say~" she sing-songed, and Shiro was once more wishing for the ground to open up and swallow him whole.

Shiro just wanted to sleep.


Shoyo found himself blinking harshly, despite the image before him not being anything new.

Shiro was sitting in the very grass that Shoyo himself and Kageyama had been practicing in for the last week, but cradled in his arms was a very much asleep Natsu. Shiro himself was dozing off, head slumped back with his glasses knocked into the grass, soaking in the setting sun. It was a nice image, cute and lovable, but why was Shiro here in the first place? Hadn't he been at the doctors in the city?

Shoyo didn't really want to disturb the two of them, never really good at waking people up, so he stood there awkwardly. He was wired from the game, vibrating with energy, but he could feel his adrenaline slowly stemming off, slowly leaving him satisfied and tired.

The space next to Shiro and Natsu looked wonderful for a nap.

Before Shoyo could work himself up to tossing his bag aside and clambering next to Shiro a hand came down on his shoulder, making the short boy give a full body jerk.

"Shoyo," Sugawara said from behind him, "why are they sleeping here?" Shoyo found himself relaxing at the sound of the older male's voice, knowing that he wasn't going to be hit in the back of the head for no good reason.

Before the ginger could reply Shiro let out a soft groan, most likely from his arms falling asleep from having Natsu laying on him. "Suga?" he questioned softly, eyes struggling to open as sleep tried to hold onto him.

"Yeah, Shiro," the silver-haired male crouched down, grabbing the discarded glasses from the grass, "it's me and Hinata." The blind male hummed, extracting one of his hands to rub at his eyes. "W'time is it?" he mumbled, forcing himself to sit up. Natsu made a light noise of discontent but didn't wake up.

"It's time to go home," Suga giggled, pushing a few stray strands of black hair away from milky pink eyes. The blind male sighed, slumping forward over Natsu who still didn't wake up, but he sighed and very slowly got himself up to his feet with a child in his arms. Sugawara helped him put his glasses back on and Shoyo grabbed his discarded jacket from the grass. They were all ready to go, they had everything they could need, and yet-

"Hey Sugawara, how are you with needles?"



I'm so sorry for the delay in this, I really wanted to get this one out before I moved into my dorm but that just didn't happen so I'm sorry. I do want your opinions on something tho!

Would you rather: have shorter chapters, but get updates sooner, or longer chapter that take longer to get out?

I want to keep updating this as much as I can but school is gonna make my life hectic so I'll do what I can, but I will not be abandoning this book!

Anyways, thank you for your time! tell me what you think!]

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