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The gym was loud and bright.

Sugawara found himself standing next to Kiyoko, talking about the possible events and gatherings the team could end up going to this year, while his mind was farther away. He couldn't help but wonder where Shiro was.

After yesterday night the two of them had ended up texting well into the wee hours of the morning and a bit during classes, but Shiro hadn't mentioned anything about being late or missing out on the first year's match. With a soft hum, Suga looked around the gym; looking at Kiyoko who had gone off to fill up water bottles, at Daichi and Enoshinta who were putting up the net, and at Tanaka who was yelling and whipping off his shirt in his excitement.

He looked at Hinata, who was looking at his phone with a small frown.

With a small moment of hesitation, Sugawara goes over to the shorter male, watching as he typed something out, a small eye roll following after. Not wanting to interrupt him Suga stands there awkwardly, not quite knowing what to do with himself while he waits, but thankfully it doesn't take long for Hinata to notice him.

"Ah! Suga-san, how are you?" Hinata beams up at him, the sun incarnate standing on the floor of a volleyball court. Sugawara finds himself smiling, Hinata's happiness just seems to be infectious.

"I'm good Hinata, but I uh have a small question for you." The ginger hums, pocketing his phone into the frankly gigantic jacket he was wearing. The thing was huge, Hinata positively swimming in it, so it couldn't have belonged to anyone except for Shiro in Suga's mind. "Where is Shiro?"

At the other boy's name, Hinata's face drooped a bit. It wasn't anything like bitterness or anger that clouded his expression, more of tiredness than any form of malice. "Ah yeah, Shiro won't be here for the match, or at least the majority of it." The shorter male looked off, scratching at the back of his head. "He had a doctor's appointment so mom pulled him out of school for it."

Sugawara's world stilled a bit, worry and concern finding home in his heart. Shiro was in the hospital?

Suga guessed his expression must have changed because almost immediately Hinata was in a panic trying to explain the situation better.

"H-he's not hurt or anything!" he said quickly. "It's just that his doctors ways out so it takes a while to get there since he has to go see a specialist." At this Hinata motioned to his face, mostly to his eyes, and it started to make sense to Suga. Shiro had to see a specialist for his burns, and it did make sense, but that didn't mean it still worried the silver-haired male.

"Right," he managed to get out softly, and it was the only thing he got out since Daichi was yelling for them to get ready for the game.

Suga couldn't help but worry, despite what Hinata had said.


Shiro did not like the doctor's office.

Truthfully you really couldn't blame him. He'd been living a normal life back home, on the way to the doctors one minute and then the next he'd been waking up out of a coma with numerous tubes and IV's attached to him, beeping machines surrounding him.

You couldn't blame him for not liking the doctor's office, but now instead of the paranoia and fear, it was more of apprehension and irritation.

Shiro was sitting in one of those uncomfortable chairs that lined the halls of the doctor's office, head propped in his hands as he tried to will time to go faster. Emica was currently out to bring Natsu to the restroom, and Miyabi was bouncing around the office.

Miyabi was Shiro's general practitioner, she called all the shots on what happened to him in the hospital, what kinds of tests he had done, and who did them. She'd been his doctor ever since the accident, years now so Shiro had honestly hoped that one of two options would happen.

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