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Sugawara ended up staying far later than he should have; they had worked through his math quickly, Shiro ended up being a very good instructor, but they had ended up hitting it off and just hanging out. Shiro was comfortable around Sugawara unlike the mass majority of people. He felt that he could relax, that he could just sit in his own skin and not worry about the things he couldn't see.

And so the two of them had ended up sitting on the couch, Suga telling a very animated story about how he and Daichi had almost caused an explosion in the school's lab when they were first years.

"It was just for a science fair!" Sugawara insisted. He was sitting on his knees next to Shiro, hands planted firmly on the tallers shoulders and he gently shook his back and forth. Shiro was laughing, gasping for breath with one hand clasped to his mouth to smother the sound while the other was on Sugawara's shoulders to steady himself. The grey-haired male was desperately trying to stay serious while telling the story, but his face kept breaking out into a cheek-aching grin as he watched Shiro's skin flush and his eyes twinkle.

Sugawara had never known that unseeing eyes could be so expressive until now.

With a sharp grin, Sugawara took a deep breath, to start on another tangent about how he hadn't meant to build a bomb, an honest mistake there, but right as he was going to start the sound of keys in the front door floated into the living room. The two of them paused in their shaking of the other in their arms, Sugawara looking over to the door while Shiro's laughter settled down into light chuckles before dying altogether.

The house was quiet for a moment, a serene silence in the wake of pure joyous laughter before it was split chasm wide by the excited squeal of a small child. A streak of orange came through the door, barreling itself into Shiro's chest and roughly forcing the blind male away from Sugawara.

Shiro fell back into the couch with a groan, but Suga watched as his grin grew soft, hands fumbling to grab onto the squirming child in his lap. "Shiroooooo!" The young girl said with glee, little hands smooshed into the male's cheeks as she grinned up at him. This had to be Shoyo's little sister, Suga realized belatedly as he looked at the bright orange hair.

"Ah Natsu!" a woman came through the door, attempting to pull her shoes off while also hanging her coat at the same time. "You shouldn't just-" She paused, warmed brown eyes drawn to Shiro and Natsu, but they locked onto and stayed at Sugawara. "oh," she said haltingly as if trying to process that Sugawara was actually there, "I didn't know you had company over Shiro."

"Ah right," Shiro was rubbing the back of his neck, his other hand occupied in the mess of Natsu's hair, "I forgot to ask, sorry." The woman chuckled, shaking her head but still looking at Sugawara as if he was some anomaly sitting in her living room.

"Well," she dropped her purse onto the cubby sitting by the door, shoes neatly slid into one of the open squares before stepping into the living room. She didn't put on any slippers, Suga realized, no one was actually wearing slippers which was a bit odd. "I'm Emica," she waved a little before reaching out, hands finding their way under Natsu's arms in order to pick her up.

"Uh, I'm Sugawara," he said nervously, listening to the petulant whine escaping the young girl as she was forced to put her shoes away and hang up her coat. Emica hummed, pushing a few things in the genkan back into their cubbies with a small smile.

"Will you be staying for dinner?" she asked once she was done, and Sugawara felt his face heat up. A quick glance at his phone made him realize the time, and despite the excited yell that came from Natsu, and the almost serene smile from Shiro, he had to decline the offer. He was actually supposed to be home 30 minutes ago.

"I've actually gotta go home," he said softly, earning a whine from Natsu and a disgruntled look from Shiro. Emica chuckled at the young red-haired girl, who had trapped herself in the coat closet, before looking over to the two boys. The Sugawara boy looked kind and happy, but she could also see the start of exhaustion forming on his shoulders, while Shiro was honestly radiating. This was the happiest Emica had seen Shiro in a long time, and she desperately wanted to keep that happiness around.

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