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Sometimes in order to get the world you dreamed of, you must first sacrifice yourself.


Natsu was on the floor sitting at the coffee table, scribbling away at a piece of paper with a bright blue crayon. Shoyo, who had just gotten back from a bike ride, watched from the doorway as she spoke excitedly, waving her hands around every once in a while.

Shiro was sitting on the couch, slouched over so his elbows were on his knees as if he was peering over at what Natsu was drawing. There was a slight smile on his face, those unseeing eyes bright as he listened to Natsu blither on about something.

Shiro spent pretty much all his time around Natsu now. He wasn't able to go to any of Shoyo's volleyball things, he didn't have anything anyways, and his mom was out at work so that left the tall male with the young girl.

A grin found its way to Shoyo's face as he looked Shiro over. His nails had been painted messily a pastel blue while his hair was being held back but a multitude of colorful butterfly pins and hair ties with bows. He looked cute in a sort of innocent way, or at least he did to Shoyo.

Shiro's eyes were no longer red, they were more of a sickly pink while his sclera had gone a light shade of blue due to his blindness, both eyes glassy in a way that screamed he was blind. This always seemed to put people off, but first, they'd have to get past the mess of scar tissue covering his eyes like a blindfold.

Truthfully it had taken Shoyo a while to get used to them, used to the eyes and scars, but he didn't mind anymore. Hell, Natsu every day without fail made Shiro get on the floor with her so she could messily kiss each eye and tell him that she was helping him heal. She called Shiro beautiful daily and without fail makes him blush each time.

She didn't seem to understand that Shiro would always be like this, always scared and always blind.

"Hey," he said softly, making sure that he didn't startle Shiro. Natsu and he looked over, Natsu smiling brightly before going back to her drawing. Shiro though stayed up. 

It was sort of weird to see, to see how Shiro would move his head to look somewhere but his eyes never focused, always moving in a sort of sporadic way when he moved his head. He always tilted his head though, sort of like a confused puppy and that always made Shoyo smile. 

"How was your bike ride?" Shiro was gently patting around at the couch next to him, looking for the fold-up cane he used around the house.

"It was great!" Shoyo beamed. Shiro no matter what had always been supportive of everything he did, always his number one in the stands in a metaphorical way. 

"We got some mail," Shiro said softly from the kitchen, prompting Shoyo to actually take his shoes off and follow him.

On the table were the usual, bills for mom and some kind of spam mail but as Shoyo sorted through it there were two other envelopes. One addressed to Shoyo himself, and the other to Shiro.

Shoyo, ever excitable as he is, squealed like a little girl, causing Shiro to flinch and almost drop the cup he'd been holding. 

Oblivious to Shiro's momentary fear he jumped over to the taller male, pulling him into a tight hug. "We made it!" he yelled, "We made it into Karasuno!"

Shiro, bewildered and confused, just let Shoyo cling to him. Though he didn't have much of a choice at the time as his arms were trapped by Shoyo's wrapped around him.

Shiro, in all technicalities, didn't need to go to school anymore. He would though, even if it was just to get out of the house, though all of his classes would be online.

I'm Blind, Not GlassWhere stories live. Discover now