9. ''I wouldn't trust the coffee I make you ''

Start from the beginning

Gilmore Girls

i turn it to a random episode and watch while petting Tori. 

I use to watch gilmore girls all the time with my mom, we would joke and laugh and say how similar we were to them. Sometimes even dad would join, saying we were better while he made us food in the kitchen. He use to be so kind and gentle, i think that's why my mom fell in love with him, why he fell in love with her. I never blame him for any of his actions. The love of his life died, because of me. all because of me. My eyes start to water and i start to focus on the show.

Midway through the episode their's a crash outside. Tori jumps out of my arms and starts to whine, i hear movement outside and i get up, the door flies open and Carlos is there, blood streaming out of his mouth, his arms are cut up and his face is blue and purple. 

"holy shit" I exclaim rushin over towards him, he walks right past me and into the bathroom, there's a limp in his step as he rushes over. i follow him. he leans over the bathroom sink blood dripping out of his mouth 

I get down on my knees and reach for the lower cabinet reaching for a small handcloth, i damp it with water and bring it up to his mouth dabbing where the blood is, he watches me closely like he inspecting me.  I go back into the kitchen and grab ice out of the freeze putting it in a different cloth, going back to the bathroom i hand him the ice and move his wrist up to his eye, i take the damp cloth and focus on his arms, as i study them more closely i see healed scars and ones that are just starting to fade. I wipe the blood off of them, 

"where's your rubbing alcohol?" i ask, he nods his head too the cabinet above me, i reach up and grab it out putting it on the cloth, "sorry if it stings", i apply and he slightly flinches, "so, what happend? you fall down the stairs and into a pit of punching chiuauas?"  

he shakes his head and the corner of his lifts up

"damn, thought you were better than those chiuauas"

He shakes his head and laughs, I finish cleaning up his cuts and wash the blood off of the cloth.  "are you okay though?" I examine his arm, the white bumpy lines that spread across his arms.

"i'll be fine. i always am." he gets up and stretches. 

"what did you do today?" he asks turning to face me, 

"wake up, eat, watch show, and fantasize about having a baby lamb or a cat" 

"A lamb?" 

"Yes, and a cat." 

"why a lamb?" 

"they're the most cutest things ever, i want to die everytime i see one" His eyes soften a tiny bit, so small he might not even have done it.  

"I've always wanted a cat, their so cute and cuddly. When i first got my phone i would spend hours scrolling through cat videos, laughing and giggling."

"what type of cat?"

"A maine coon, ooh! or a ragdoll, ragdolls are fucking adorable"

Carlos reaches over to my hair and pulls out fuzzies, I look up in the mirror and my hair is a mess,


I look down and realize i haven't changed out of my clothes from yesterday. oh well i guess

"My coworkers are coming over later. To hang out for awhile." 

I raise an eyebrow"You actually have friends?" I let my jaw drop, for the drama. 

"Fuck off" he says the corner of his lips raising lightly, as per usual. 

"What are their names?" 

"Julian,Cyrus,Kenji,Isabelle, and Mia"

"Kenji's a cool ass name"

He nods and his face hardens. 

"When will they be here?" 

"45 minutes"

My eyes widen and i rush into the guest bedroom where all my stuff was, i reach into the pile of clothes Carlos had bought me and grabbing a pair of black cargo pants and a black lacy crop top with my zip up jacket 

I close the bedroom door and change. I run my fingers through my hair in a desperate attempt to tame my hair. I grab the scrunchie off my wrist and put my hair into a mid ponytail leaving the front strands out to frame my face. 

I go back outside and is met with tori following my steps, i lean down and rub her belly as she flops over onto her back. She sits up again and starts to lick my face I rub her back and walk away.

Carlos is sitting on the couch, his arms spread out across the top of it, 

"can i do your hair?" 


"why?" i asked. he doesn't respond covers his eyes with his arm. 

"fine" , i sit down on the other end of the couch,  and put a pillow in my lap. 

*40 minutes later*

Their is a knock on the front door and Carlos gets up to answer it, 5 people then roll in the door, 

The first one in has blonde hair and brown eyes, following behind him is a girl with red hair, then theirs one with messy brown hair. The next two look like twins they both have matching platinum blonde hair with the same blue eyes. 

Holy fucking shit she's gorgeous.

I smile and wave to them as they come in. They all return the favor except for the girl with blonde hair.  The girl with red hair comes over first and sits next to me. 

"Hi im isabelle,but you can call me belle" She says sticking her arm out, smiling. I smile back and say"hi, im Brielle",

Carlos sits down next, leaving about a room of space between us. The rest of them follow after him, sitting down on different pieces of furniture as the couch is already crowded. Except the blonde girl , she sits right in between me and Carlos, putting half of herself on Carlos. 


this chapter took me 6 months to write. 

i hope you like it

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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