2. "My spot"

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I woke up exactly how I blacked out. I move my head slightly and look out the window. It's pitch black. My phone is across the room and my body hurts too much to move.

My head aches and my mouth tastes like blood. I close my eyes and wonder what life would be like if mama was still here. I caught myself though. No point in wishing. It's cruel of me to do so. It's all my fault. I deserve everything I get.

I lay my head down and close my eyes letting the darkness cover me.

I hear my phone and start vibrating from across the room. Waking me up. It's not too loud but loud enough that it might wake up my dad. I turn over on my stomach and scoot forward. My arms are turning purple and have dried blood sprinkling on them.

I reach the phone and look at the caller ID. It's Mrs. Stewart, my boss. She's a sweet old lady about 74, her husband died a few years back, but she refuses to change her name.

I swipe the green button up and put the phone to my ear. "Hello" I say in the nicest tone I can craft.

"Hey dearie, do you think you could come into work for a couple of hours today?" She says, her voice sounded like candy drenched in chocolate, too sweet for their own good.

"Of course, I can come in about an hour."

"That sounds good dearie thank you"

I say my goodbyes and hang up the phone. My head is still pounding, and body still aches but I make my way up from off the floor and onto my bed. I open the dresser from my current position on the bed and find my work outfit. I undress and put it on, careful not to make any harsh movements. groaning, I lay back down on my bed and rested for a few minutes.

Life would be so much easier for everybody if I didn't exist. My father would still have his wife. when I was born, I wasn't breathing, I should have kept it that way.

I doze off for a bit before I awaken once again. I have 20 minutes to get to work. I as slowly as possible grab my shoes that fell onto the floor and slide them on. Grabbing my tote bag I head out my bedroom door. I notice my father sleeping on the couch. I walk past him as quietly as I can, making a few grunts as I step too hard on a leg. I make it out of the house and walk down the alleyway. I adjust the tote bag on my shoulder.

I love tote bags. they're so pretty and they're bigger than a purse, but not too bulky like a backpack. I bring a tote bag everywhere I go. They are a creation of heaven. So are rings. especially gold ones. I love jewelry but rings have to be my favorite. there little enough to not be the main point of the outfit, but just enough to pull the whole outfit together.

I walk into the door and wave to Mrs. Stewart.

"Hey sweetie I just need you to clean up and maybe serve some customers." I nod my head, I respond and head to the back and sit down. I lay my head in my hand and look around the room, I see some numbing pills and quickly grab them. I chug them down with some water. I sit back down and wait a few seconds.

I start to sweep the floor and organize the boxes a little before going out to start serving customers. A mom and child walk in ordering two waffles with chocolate chips and a strawberry milkshake. I give them the food after it's been made and give them some extra chocolate chips.

The same man walked in yesterday. I sigh before walking up to him with a fake smile plastered on my face. my body still aches but I took some numbing pills from the back.

"Hello, what could I get you to start with today?"

He stares at me intensely, making me a little self-conscious . I stare right back.

"are you going to continue stare at me or let me take your order to do my job"

Nothing, absolutely nothing, he just continues to stare at me. And it absolutely infuriates me.

He's about to say something when I hear a crash. I looked over and saw a little kid had dropped their plate. I rush over wincing in the process.

The little kid starts crying and attempting to pick it up. I reassure them while scooting all the broken glass and bits of food into one pile. The child eventually stops crying and sits back down.

I walk over, slightly limping and get the dustpan and sweet up the glass and food. I put it in the trash and started walking back to the rude customer. My head starts to feel faint. Do I grip on to the counter for support staring at the ground until I can walk again.

"Do you know what you are going to order yet?"

He doesn't say anything. I don't think he knows how to talk. The rat poison could have ruined his vocal cords. Whoops. We just stay there for a few minutes before words come out of his mouth.

Yep you heard it right. Words

"Black coffee with a donut" I nod my head and go to get it.

Should I put rat poison in his coffee again? Nah he wasn't that rude today.

I pour the coffee and grab the donut I gave him last time.

I give it to him and he slides over a ten dollar bill.

"Keep the change" , his narrow voice lighter than yesterday.

I nod and walk away.

"Brielle your break is starting" Mrs. Stewart yells from the back. I call back a reply and go outside grabbing my tote bag

I have a 20-minute break, so I walk down the block to the stream and sit down in the grass.

This is my spot.

I'm sure other people come to it, but while I'm here it's my spot, and nobody else's.

There are beds of clovers and dandelions and a few honeysuckles. There's moss covering some of the trees and rocks near the water. There are little fish that swim in the stream, I've even seen a frog or two. This place is my favorite spot ever.

I sit there with my hand in the water letting the flow between my fingers. I stay like that for a few minutes before sitting becomes too much of a struggle. I lay down on a patch of clovers and close my eyes focusing on my breaths.

my body still hurts but I feel better since I took those numbing pills.

sighing I get up slowly and head out through the "door" the trees create.

while leaving I see something move out of the corner of my eye. Deciding to choose life I pretend I don't notice it. I walk back to work limping a little as I do it. I'm a little late but Mrs. Stewart doesn't mind.

I set my bag down again and get back to work. I look over and see that the man has left. I serve more customers before my shift is over. I walk home and see my father on the couch, I make him dinner as quickly as I can while still making sure it was the right temperature. I put his plate down and glass of water making sure to remember his silver.

I skipped dinner since I ate some muffins at the diner. 

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