Chapter Twenty Eight

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"My mom likes you." I told the still silent woman who was currently cooking our breakfast.

"Hm, yeah. They were great." She murmured.

I huffed quietly and sipped on my coffee. Thalia had been a little too distant since we came back from my parents yesterday and I didn't know why. Plus, I'd been getting too many glares. I sulked, mumbling to myself because it was ridiculous.

A plate containing a half scrambled omelet was slid in front of me. "Thanks."

"If you wanted it perfect, you should've done it yourself." Thalia rolled her eyes when I stared at the food.

I picked up my fork with as much attitude and sass as I could. "I was marveling at how perfectly you messed it up. What's with you?"

"Nothing. What's with you?" She shot back.

I shoved some eggs into my mouth. "You're the one with the attitude since we got back."

The meanest glare was directed at me and I reeled back. "What's it to you?"

I chewed my second bite slowly as I regarded her. Thalia continued glaring at me, brown eyes unwavering yet, somehow, turning me on. At that thought, I couldn't help but to smile. She didn't like that much.

"Ouch." I laughed when she pinched my arm. "Seriously, why are you so, um, you know. Bitchy?" I whispered the last word in fear.

The woman gritted her teeth and poured herself a cup of tea. "Sorry. I'm just...tired."

"Did you have a good time?"

She nodded. "Yes, I did. Your family is something else."

"They're a pain in the ass." I chuckled. "But they'll show up if you ever need bail money."

Thalia paused before saying, "Bella seems nice."

I halted my third bite and lowered my hand again. "She is."

With her back to me, she continued. "Enjoyed talking to her?"

I quickly chewed and swallowed so I could answer, almost choking but trying not to show it. "Y-yeah. It was kinda like old times." I got out between subtle coughs.

"That's a good thing?"

I furrowed my brows while thinking and scooping more food into my mouth. "I think so?"I said with my mouth full.

Thalia scrunched her face in disgust as she faced me again. "Ew."

"Sorry." I mumbled sheepishly and smiled.

The woman stared blankly at me for a long moment before putting her empty cup down. "I have work."

I looked on as she hurriedly put her heels on, fluffed her hair and grabbed her stuff.

"Bye." I murmured as the door slammed shut, leaving me alone. "Good bye, Kenzie, have a good day. I hope you have a good day too, Thalia. Women are hard work."


"You look happy." I said the second Thalia walked out of the gym the next day.

I'd just come off of work and decided to stop by. She'd worked a double shift and not only looked exhausted, but there was definitely anger present too.

The shorter woman gave me no visual attention but spoke as she walked ahead. "They gave me a fucking promotion."

I obediently followed, walking a couple steps behind for my safety. "Isn't that a good thing?"

A Silent Hope Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz