Robin gritted her teeth and sighed. She, too, looked to the ground, if only briefly. Then, she took a step toward Lori and took her hands. "Listen, I'm not gonna let Hershel send you away. The others, I'm not responsible for them–"

"You're not responsible for me," Lori argued.

"But if I do nothing and something happens to your baby because Hershel sent you away, I would be responsible for that," Robin murmured. She sighed. "And after what happened with Sophia—after your people spent all this time looking for her when she was in the barn the whole time, it's the least I can do."

A thankful smile unfolded on Lori's face. She squeezed Robin's hand. "Thank you, Robin, I don't know what–"

"Robin!" Glenn came running out of the farmhouse and toward the two women standing somewhere between him and the barn.

At hearing her name, Robin spun around. Glenn's eyes were wide, his voice filled with panic. He sprinted toward them and only stopped once he was close enough. Between heavy breaths, he said, "It's Beth. Something's wrong with her."

Robin barged into Beth's room to find Maggie leaning over their youngest sister, who just stared straight up at the ceiling

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Robin barged into Beth's room to find Maggie leaning over their youngest sister, who just stared straight up at the ceiling.

"Sweetie, can you hear me?" Maggie whispered.

Lori halted in the doorway, but Robin rushed into the room, only coming to a stop when she stood next to Maggie. Beth didn't reply or made any indication that she had heard the question. She stared straight ahead as if she was in some sort of trance.

"What's wrong with her?" Robin breathed.

"She might be in shock. Where's Hershel?" Lori retorted.

Glenn crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall, shaking his head. "We can't find him anywhere."

Lori looked at Glenn for a few more moments then left the room to get Rick and Shane. Maggie joined the two, assisting them in trying to find her father while Robin stayed by Beth's side. The problem was that she didn't know what was happening to the girl, and she didn't know how to help. And then again, she hated being helpless and doing nothing when there was probably something that could be done.

But the day just faded slowly, and shortly before dinner, Maggie came back to tell her that Rick and Glenn had gone out to look for Hershel. They assumed he had gone into the bar in town, going back to his old drinking habits.

Robin had never seen Hershel drink. In fact, she had never even seen a bottle of liquor anywhere around the house, and the one time Shawn had brought one home with him from a party, Hershel had scolded him.

"He gave up drinking the moment I was born," Maggie explained to Robin now, running her fingers through Beth's blonde hair. "I think he might've been scared that he'd relapse if he just had one drop of alcohol, that's why he didn't allow it in the house."

𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖆𝖗𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖗, the walking dead ¹ (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now