A god in a cage?!

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Goku black and Chiaia fought against each other but it was only a distraction as ??? went inside the swan and confronted Lashara and was about to kill her until Goku Black went Super Sayian Rose for a brief moment causing the sekijin to yell stopping ??? from killing Lashara and Wahanly's appearance saved Lashara and defeated ??? In battle causing Doll to save him while using him as a human shield leaving Goku Black on his own. Although, Goku Black could've ended the fight in a second, the disease he caught and him being malnourished make him unable to use his true power. He then went to kill Lashara but he stopped due to the disease affecting him more and more from using a percentage of his base form power and is now under the custody of Lashra.

Nobody PoV

We now see Goku Black sleeping inside a cage of some sorts as he then wakes up and grabs his head

Chiaia: "So you're finally awake?" She said crossing her arms

Goku Black then threw the blanket to the side and stood up causing Chiaia to have a big blush on her face while also having a nose bleed. She then whipped her nose with a handkerchief then grabbed his clothes with both hands

Chiaia: "Cover up your front properly!" She said as she threw his clothes at him with effort due to it being weighted clothing

A small timeskip Brought to you by goku black asking 'what do you mean when you eat the booty out like groceries?'

Goku black was now seen sitting down while facing away from Chiaia

Chiaia: "First, without wasting anymore time, I want you to answer some of my questions, as long as you cooperate, we won't harm you" she said as Goku Black chuckled in the inside

Goku black then began looking at the front with a glare without saying a word

Chiaia: "What do you think that your partner will come and rescue you? He'll never come, you are just a sacrifice"

Goku Black was still glaring at the front without saying a word

Chiaia: "Is that so? Well then you can just stay here for good" she said walking away but she then stopped "Oh, not to forget, there's one good thing about keeping quiet. If you dare utter out the fact that you've entered the princesses palace, you'll be executed immediately" she then pressed a button opening the walls and sending the cage outside

Walanly: "Oh that's.."

Maid 2: "What are you looking at?"

Walanly then removed a cable: "Here" she said as a projector then showed Goku Black sitting down not making a single move

Maid 3: "So, that's the guy that Chiaia-san captured"

Maid 2: "He's a young adult isn't he? Like in his 20s?"

They then see Goku Black stand up and start to do 1 handed handstand push ups

Flashback a few moments ago

Goku Black was in his mind thinking the entire time Chiaia was trying to talk to him: 'How can those mortals get stronger? If I remember correctly from Goku's memories, He has always trained to get this strong and maybe if I do the same I'll become stronger. BUT GODS DONT TRAIN! THEY HAVE THE POWER SINCE THEY WERE CREATED!! But then again I'm in a mortal's body now so training is a regular thing.....GRRR THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING! You know what I'll give this training thing a shot and I'll see if it's worthy of my precious time. Now I'll begin with those handstand pushups that Goku does'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 ⏰

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Y-YOU MORTALS ARE EMBARRASSING ME (Tenshi Muyo x Goku Black)Where stories live. Discover now