38 | War Commenced

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Chapter 38 -  War Commenced

Electra-girls POV

It's been a while since I last spoke up.

It's been 2 weeks after my first akumatisation battle and now I'm ready to come back and strike Paris once again.

I said I wanted revenge, and revenge is exactly what I'm going to get.

Victory is going to taste beautiful.

You may have been wondering what I've been up to since I de-akumatised myself. And I've been doing a lot behind the scenes.

From the moment I de-akumatised myself, I've been keeping a close eye on Ladybug and Chat Noir. Watching their fighting techniques, teamwork, communication skills. I've been watching it all.

Thanks to Static she has revealed that little Chat Noir has a little weakness. The blueberry hair girl.

If I want to take Chat Noir down, then all I have to do is get rid of the little girl.

As for Ladybug, I hope she has been enjoying her two weeks of torture. That's right. She's suffering because of me.


Because she has the power to get rid of my akuma, but if she can barely stay on her feet then there is no one to stop me.

And also because I despise her. I don't think I need to explain why since I've already told you.

I've been the cause of her passing out, throwing up, her blurred vision. The irritating headaches. Everything. She can go to the doctors to get it checked out all that she wants but they aren't going to find anything.

Ladybug is in for a whole ride. Defeating her will be a piece of cake since I have an element of control over her.

Hawkmoth definitely made a good decision to akumatise me. We are both on the same page. He wants those heroes gone, I want the heroes gone and I want revenge.

Hawkmoth is one of the only people who has treated me right, other than my dear cousin. I intend to complete the deal and hand over the Miraculous to dear Hawkmoth. It would be my gift to him.

After working with him for these two weeks coming up with the ultimate plan to rid Paris of those pesky heroes, we have finally made a plan which will 100% guarantee the end of the heroines.

I will be known as the greatest Villain Paris has ever faced.

I am Electra-girl. But this name? It's about to get a whole lot better.

Static's POV

You may be wondering why I'm helping Electra-girl.

Well it's very simple really. She's my cousin and I love her. So I'm helping her.

Since we are single children and none of us have any siblings, we have always seen each other as sisters. So she's a big sister to me.

I've had to watch her reach a point in her life where she struggled greatly and absolutely no one was there to help her.

Even I couldn't help her but I supported her. I was the only one who was there for her.

Seeing how she has now become a strong independent woman is inspiring to me.

I want to make up for not being able to help her in the past and help her now, which is why I'm her little helping buddy.

Although Ladybug and Chat Noir didn't do anything to me specifically, Electra-girl has a burning hatred for them and wants to take them down so I'm going to help her do that.

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