



I could hear the sound of my own heartbeat... A slow but steady beating, the sign of life in any human... Even through the surrounding darkness, I was comforted by the sound, if only a little bit...


... Where am I?...


I couldn't tell... The only thing I could see was an empty abyss, dark and colourless as the night itself... I felt... Cold... As if I was standing out from the comfort of my home, and into the chilly cold of a rainy night... It was a strange feeling, very weird and frightening...

I can't remember much... I returned home one day, went to bed, and I'm now here... Was this a dream?... No... It couldn't be. My dreams are never so... Lucid. Even though I can't see anything, I can feel my consciousness drifting aimlessly through this dark abyss...

Did I drink something weird last night? Maybe I should stop drinking any carbonated drinks before bed, I hate the morning vomit it gives me... So, what happens now?... If this is a dream, then when am I getting to all the weird parts?...

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