rid of him

407 7 1

warning: murder

i love victor, just him. I don't wanna fall into the same loop on and on with Patrick, maybe we can be friends but i just wanna be his friend. no matter what he thinks, even if he wants me to like him. i shouldn't feel pressured just because of a stupid boy, or girl.

patrick's pov:
i want henry, he's the only one that i have a true connection with. i need to get rid of something, or someone that he deeply hates. maybe that will make him fall inlove with me, i gotta get rid of his dad. wait what the fuck am i saying? god i'm a fucking psychopath.

(next day)

i drove over to his house and saw his dads car in the driveway. i also saw victors car, why was victor there? i walked inside and ran to his dads room, he was asleep on his bed. perfect. i went to the kitchen to grab the biggest knife there was, then i went back into the room. before i could lay a finger on him, he started to wake up. "patrick? what the fuck are you doing here? and why the fuck do you have a goddamn knife in your hand?" i had to make an excuse. "uh i was making something.." "this early? god why the hell are you even in my-" before he could finish his sentence i stabbed him. i stabbed him in his stomach. i repeatedly kept stabbing that same spot until i couldn't hear him breathing anymore. "what the fuck." i looked over and saw henry and victor standing at the door. "henry, uh i swear it's not how it looks-" "you killed the only family i had." i looked at him and walked towards him. "he fucking abused you henry, you never told anyone except for me. i leaned in and kissed him. i held onto him so he couldn't move. "get..off!" he tried pushing me away. i pushed our bodies together. "patrick get the hell off him! he doesn't wanna be with you!" he punched me in the stomach which hurt but i didn't let go until he started punching my face. i pushed henry onto the floor and started punching and kicking victor. i had lost it. i looked at victor for a second, his face was covered in blood and it looked like he had passed out. "patrick just stop..i can't fucking love you if your acting like this. now get off him and just leave me alone." i got up and walked out. i was drenched in blood but i just got in my car and drove off. henry's words affect me a lot, more than he knows. but this, was a whole lot worse.

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