Chapter 6: Pittoo

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You are sleeping peacefully under your cosy covers. You fell asleep quickly after yesterday's adventures. But because of your early bedtime, it was still fairly early when you started to wake. You are still drowsy and tired, you decide not to open your eyes and you start to doze off.

But then you get the feeling of eyes watching you. Because you have no energy to wake up yet you write it off as your imagination. But the feeling doesn't go. You start to feel uneasy and clench your blanket. With your heart pounding you listen for another sign that there is someone there. What do you do if someone is watching you? Do you attack? Call for help? You think Pit and Palutena are sleeping tight, no chance they will hear you. Wait, there is a sound. Is there? You listen closely. It seems to be right next to you. Now or never...

You jump up and try to strangle your visitor. They seem to be startled and not capable to resist your sudden attack. In the corner of your eye, you see the curtain is opened, your eyes should be able to adjust to the dim light in a minute. The person you are fighting recovered from the shock and tries to get you under control, but you have other plans. To make sure he can't get away you wrap your legs around him and hold his throat. Gotcha. Your eyes finally get used to the dark and you notice the person beneath you. His raven hair frames his smirking face and his crimson eyes sparkle in the night. It is Dark Pit.


He turns you around so he is on top, making you freeze from embarrassment. Still smirking he pins you down on your bed. He bends down and whispers in your ear "Missed me?~" You start blushing like crazy, what is this guy thinking? You try to push him away but he holds your arms firmly in place above your head. He looks at you when you realise you are only dressed in your thin nightgown. Gods this is embarrassing, why did you deside to attack him aaaaa

Luckily he does not seem interested in your lack of proper clothes. Even though he is very much emberassing you, you get the feeling this was not his intention. He looks somewhat embarrassed himself. But aside from that, he looks hella intimidating, his dark black wings are folded out above him "I got something to show ya." Before you can even be confused about what's happening he picks you up bridal style and flies out of the window.

You hold on to his toga firmly as shoots up into the sky. He goes higher and higher. You are scared, where is he going? Suddenly he folds his wings in and the both of you start falling. The wind blows against your terrified face as you hold on to Dark Pit. With your eyes shut you can't see Dark Pit laughing at you. "You seem a little pale, you okay?" he asks, clearly enjoying your fright. You aren't afraid of heights, but anyone would be scared in this situation. And this dark angel knows that. You can't open your wings with him holding you like this, you just have to trust this crazy dark clone. You tense all your muscles as you hide your face in his neck.

"Please don't drop me-" your voice shiffers. The raven-haired angel chuckles. "Only because you ask so nicely..."

His grip on you loosens and your eyes widen once you realise it: He dropped you. With tears of disbelief and fright in your eyes, you see the ground getting closer and closer. Nononononono- Adrenaline rushes through your body. Are you going to die? You attempt to spread your wings once more, but the force of air and the position you're in prevents you from doing so. You close your eyes again preparing yourself for the impact of crashing into the ground. "Dark Pit, help me, please..." you whisper in the last attempt.

Immediately you feel two hands grabbing yours. Dark Pit pulls you up and holds you close so you can't fall again. His shimmering red almost pink-ish eyes stare into yours. You shiffer. Why did he do that- He puts you down carefully on the ground. You finally feel the stable ground under your feet again. "Why did you do that-" you pant. He smirks. "Because I had to show you you can trust me, dummy" he states. You did not expect this answer- "Trust you?! You literally dropped me! Is this your way of making friends? Because it's not working!" You look at him with anger in your eyes. He crosses his arms and gives you an arrogant look. "I caught you though."

That is something to think about. He did indeed catch you and sort of saved your life, but he was also the one to drop you in the first place. Why does he want you to trust him anyways? Oh right. You look up at the boy in front of you.

"What is it you wanted to show me?"

"Follow me."

Dark Pit takes you further into the forest. This forest looks similar to the one with the entrance to the underworld. The same dense vegetation covers the area, but this forest has a more kind and more magical feel to it. There are pretty roses and purple flowers you don't recognise. When you reach a wall of leaves and vines Dark Pit sticks his arm out in front of you, signalling you to stop walking.

He grabbed your shoulders. "Promise not to tell anyone, even not, no- especially not Palutena and that other piece of Pit shit."

It wasn't really a question, and the firm look in his eyes gives you the feeling he means it. You smile at him. "Of course." You feel like whatever he wants to show you is very important, and even though you'll have to keep a secret from Pit and Lady Palutena, you want to know.

He takes out his sword. "Do you mean it?"

A bit scared by his act you nod your head. Is he seriously going to threathen you?

"Y- yes."

His wings relax and his expression softens. "Okay then." He looks at you and smiles. "Step back." You look around confused. "Back? To the wall?" He nods.
You try to walk backwards expecting to hit a wall, but that is not the case. The leaves part.

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