Chapter 4: Searching

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The landing was smooth. Better than last time, when you full on crashed to the ground. This time your feet do hit the ground first, like theyre supposed to.

Food appears on the ground, and Pit immediately runs to eat some of it. You look around, there are no monsters here. Palutena found a good landing spot. Sunlight peeks trough the roof of leafes. You grab some of the delicious food off the ground and eat it while looking around. There doesn't really seem to be a clear path to walk on, just grass, dirt and leafes. "So, where are we going?" "I don't know. Want some food?" he hands you a slice of cake. "Thanks." The cake is delicious, your tiredness drifts away as you swallow the last bite. You look at the angel and you suddenly feel sad and insecure.

You feel like Pit did most of the work on the way here. He is such a great fighter, and you dont have your dunamis (thats the name of the angel powers I mentioned) yet- You just flew behind him like a little pet chicken. Just as Hades said...

Pit notices your sad face.

"What's wrong?" He asks. You almost start crying, but hold back your tears. You probably only slowed him down, you don't know why you are this sad about it but tears start forming in your eyes.

"I- I don't really know. I just feel like I'm a burden to you. You have done so many missions by your self and now I'm here just slowing you down. I don't even have my angel power yet! Also my stamina is very low because of the accedent and I-"

He grabbes your hand and smiles at you. You freeze at the sudden touch but ease up a little when he starts talking. "You did amazing! You slayed a lot of Hades' monsters, and we are a very good team!" You look into his blue eyes. "You really think so?" you ask. He wipes the tears from your cheaks. "Why would I lie about that? You help me a lot, I get inured way less because of you helping me out, and I really like your company! I don't think I could do this without you!" A small smile peaks trough your sadness. You wrap your arms around him. "Thank you Pit." you mutter with your face burried in his shoulder. He holds you tight in a comforting manner. "No problem, I should thank you. It was very lonely before you came to Skyworld. Palutena can really get on my nerves you know?" You both laugh a bit at his remark.

"I heard that!" The godess interupts. "Pit is right (y/n), you have helped so much. And when you get your dunami you might even be better than Pit!" she jokes. Pit just kinda laughs it of.

"The entrance should be not that far away. Try walking in a straight line, and be careful of enemies!" she tells. Not very much to go off, but you'll figure it out

Turns out walking in a straight line is way harder then you think, Palutena had to correct your direction several times. On the way you found monsters hiding in bushes and behind trees. You and Pit killed them all and continue walking.

Pit looks a bit confused. "I don't recognize this place, this isn't the same route I went last time to go to the underworld." Palutena answers. "There are multiple entrances to the underworld. Hestia is inprisoned on an other side of it, so this should be much quicker, also I hope Hades wont notise us if we take this hidden entrance." You nod. "I see, what does this entrance look like?" It is quiet for a second, until Pit talks.

"Lady Palutena, do you even know what it looks like?"

The goddes stutters a bit. " Well uh- I-. No I don't." "Aaahg!" Pit screams with his hands in his hair. "Why does our guide not even know what we are looking for?!" You facepalm. "Well we better get searching then. I would say we should split up but I dont want us to get lost. Also there are underworld monsters hiding everywere." Pit nods. "Okay, let's stay close then."

The further you get in the forest the darker it gets.

You hear a strange sound. It is like music, but a child could have done a better job. Its increadably loud and obnoxious. Pit and you look at eachother confused as you proceed to walk forward. Suddenly a strange creature jumps out of the bushes! You jump back from the shock and hide behind Pit. You hold on to his shoulders and look at the "thing".

It looks hideous. Its purple skin clashes with the yellow skirt like thing covering what probably are its legs. It has a big mouth with red lips at the place where his butt should be and a weird swirly mask above it with a green glow behind the two holes for his eyes. A big pretty feather wiggles around on top of its head. If you can call it a head. But the eyes are the weirdest part. He has yellow pom-poms, WITH EYES IN THEM. Huge eyes! And he dances around with them! "It is so... ugly. But I can't stop looking at it..." you say as you slowely back away, taking Pit with you. Pit mutters someting. "I've seen this thing before- I think it's called a Merenguy, you can't take your eyes of it!" "That is certenly true." you say mesmerised by the dancing thing. "Very distracting..."

You stare at the stupid performance of the Merenguy. But then an other sound disturps its song and you try to look where its coming from. But you can't look away- Your eyes are locked on the Merenguy! "Pit... Pit! Do you hear that?" He doesn't look away. "What?"

"I don't know I can't look away!" you start to panic. "What so we do Pit!" he takes out his bow and splits it into blades. "Uhm, just kill it?" "Oh that actually does not sound like a bad idea." you say and raise your weapon aswell. Pit jumps forward and hits the Merenguy on its head. To your surprise it keeps dancing even though that must have hurt a lot. You dash to the side and fire a powerful charged shot at it. Desolving in to ashes it lets out a last screak. A hit from some kind of stick hits your back. Now freed from the Merenguy you turn around. A angry skuttler raises his arm to land an other hit, but you jump back and to the sid to hit it before it can hit you. An other smack on its face finnishes it of.

Apearently Pit found one aswel as you see him killing one. Killing... that sounds bad. They are just underworld mosters but... killing doesn't sound like someting an angel would do. You walk up to Pit. "Hey Pit, do you ever feel like killing these underworld monsters is a bad thing? We are taking their lifes away, even though they were bad I can't help but feel a little bit of guilt." Pit chuckles. "You are really having a think-bad-of-yourself day aren't you?" You sit down under a tree. "I guess..." The angel boy sits next to you and pockes your arm. "You know, those monsters deserve to die- and they don't actually die. They just respawn in the underworld!"

"So you mean, we don't actually kill them?"

Pit scratches the back of his head. "I think you could say they already are dead? You should ask Lady Palutena about the details."
Palutena imedeatly answers. "Their bodies are gone. Yes. But Hades has a way to collect their soules and re use them. So they practicaly come to live again. Those monsters don't have a mind and thoughts of their own so don't feel bad killing them. It is for the greater good!"

You jump up. "Well okay I guess I worried about nothing.." Pit smiles. He looks kinda cute when he does.. He giggles and jumps up aswel. "I don't feel like sitting and being emo here forever so let's just continue." Smiling you run upto a big tree. "I have an idea- We can climb in a tree! Then we will have a better view over the area!"

"Like you can climb a tree."

A figure is leaning against a tree with his arms crossed. He looks at you with a smirk. Pit makes a angry face. "Pittoo-"

"I told you to not call me that Pit-stain."

Who even is this guy? They look a lot like eachother, like they are twins or something?1

He smirks and walks out of the shadow. "You guys are stupid, unlike that little chicken there," he points at Pit, "(y/n) can actually fly. Just look for a open spot in the trees." Pit looks like he wants to stab this guy. You let go of the tree. "Wait that is actually true I can't climb trees." Dark Pit shakes his head. "But I'm to tired to fly, my wings get tired way to fast."
"What even is your name?" you ask. He seems to hesitate for a bit. "Dark Pit."

What kind of name is that? Who calls their child Dark Pit! He seems to notise your confusion. "I was created with a stupid mirror. You don't have to know my whole ass backstory." He scuffs. You nod. "Okay-"

Beside his attitude he seems like a nice guy. You get the feeling he just wants to protect himself and look strong, not like some lesser clone. You want to know more about him.

Pit smiles again. "We call him Pittoo!" Dark Pit looks annoyed. "No you don't. Please don't call me that." He says annoyed. "Okay sure." you say, " but it does sound cute." You spot a little blush as he looks away. "I'm NOT cute! Understood?" You chuckle a bit at his sudden tsundere behavior. "Yes yes mister Emo Pit, but we have to go now." You laugh and grab Pits wrist. "Come on lets find that entrance!"

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