A trip to the past

Start from the beginning

"Why didn't you tell me, or anyone?" he shrugged his shoulders and I sigh, I could tell he doesn't want to talk about it anymore

"Wanna see something cool?" he tries to lighten the mood 

"Sure" he sits further back on the bed and motions with his hand for me to sit Infront of him, he closes his eyes for a second and puts his head out. I was confused until and iPad with a drawing pen appeared in his hand. Again, my eyes widen, how the hell did he do that? 

"Watch this" he takes out the pen and starts drawing something on the page, it only takes a minute before he shows me it, it was a small gray kitten, it was professionally done. Before I could say anything, he tells me it isn't over, he sets the iPad down and smirks 

"Ready?" he challenges me


I look back down at the iPad and see it's starting to come out the screen, at first, I think that I'm seeing things and I blink... then I blink again and it's fully out and coming towards me, meowing... what the hell

"Neat trick huh, I can make my drawing come to life" yea no kidding

"I know I haven't met any other witches except for Bonnie and Luka but, I'm pretty sure you're the most powerful in the world. You got to be" he laughs as I pet the kitten

"I'm not trying to brag, but I am" we both laugh

(A/N: has anyone seen the movie ' we can be heroes ' well I got the drawing coming to life idea from that. When Ojo used her drawings against the team. I'm going to be putting this idea in both my stories. That's all)

~Time skip~ 

Henry ended up sleeping over, before he left, he gave me some advice. He said that I should tell Jenna about the supernatural, everything that's been going on, Elena's behavior and get her some vervain. I couldn't agree more, I didn't tell her before because I thought that she would have Damon compel her, but Henry said he wouldn't allow that. And since Stefan doesn't drink human blood, he can't do it as well as Damon. Elena left early, and for once Alaric isn't here so I found it the perfect time. I went downstairs to see her making herself breakfast.

"Hey Jenna, there's something I need to talk to you about" she looked up kind of surprised 

"Yea, what's up?" 

"Come sit" she looks confused but complies, once she settles next to me on the couch, I take her hands in mine

"Now I know what I'm going to tell you will sound crazy but please don't interrupt me" 

"A-alright" she nods her head

"Werewolves, witches, vampires, hybrids, doppelgangers and other things I'm sure is real. Damon and Stefan Salvatore are vampires, Stefan was the one who saved Elena the night of the crash. The kid who was here earlier, his name is Henry James. He's a witch/werewolf hybrid. Bonnie's a witch and so was her grams. Vampires can do something that's called compulsion, they can make anyone who isn't on vervain do and forget anything. Remember when you 'walked' into a knife, you didn't. Someone named Katherine Pierce, compelled you to stab yourself. Elena is a doppelganger, Katherine's doppelganger. As for as I know they are the only doppelgangers. Vickie didn't run away she's dead, Elena knew about vampires first and when I found out and saw Vickie die Infront of me she had Damon compel me to forget. I was compelled some other times too."

~Time skip~

"And that's everything" her face was scary blank, I told her everything even about Elena hitting Henry. 

"Thank you for telling me, Jeremy, I need some time to process this" 

"I understand" she kisses my forehead and goes upstairs

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