Chapter 4 (Finale): Shadow Demon Showdown

Start from the beginning

'end battle music 1 now'

"oooooooh, I didn't think the finale would come so quickly" said shadow blank "w-w-what do you mean?" said Amber "well what I mean is their about to do the moves that'll end all life in remnant, one half of this world will be nothing but ice and the other half, nothing but fire, perfectly balanced as all things should be" said shadow blank as Amber looks on in horror at what is happening but that horror soon turned into determination and anger as with the unyielding determination to save her friends and family she bursts from the ice and runs between the two elementalists just as they fire their attacks and she fires two beams from both of her hands just barely keeping them from connecting as the two elementalists look on shocked, as Amber kept on pushing shadow blank approaches her "just give up missy, you can't do this, just let it go and let everyone die, who knows you may be reborn in the creatorverse, with a much better life" said shadow blank "I'll never give up, because unlike you, I understand what it means to care and sacrifice for others, to fight on even when it seems the whole worlds against you, and besides its like you said, I was made TO PROTECT THIS WORLD FROM PEOPLE LIKE YOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU!!" said Amber as a powerful aura suddenly enveloped her and her hair began turning orange and roared as her lasers shot out nearly hitting the elementalists and caused a shockwave which knocked shadow blank on his ass and as she calmed down she took a look at herself "whoa, now this is sick" said Amber as shadow blank stood up "are you f***ing me right now!, you know what I blame myself I should've known a prodigy protag like you would've had some kind of 1 out of 300 forms lying beneath the surface" said shadow blank "guess it's over for you now huh?" said Amber "oh far from it my dear as I feel like taking your advice earlier, do it myself 'shadow blank raises his hand and dark purple lightening crackles from it but right before he does anything Amber punches him in the face' OW, F***, MOTHER OF MILKERS!, OW!, WHY!" said shadow blank "what, you were going to do an attack" said Amber "but I didn't think you'd punch me in the face! 'Amber shrugs' alright you want to duel missy fine, but to warn you, I'm no push over" said shadow blank.

'play fight music 2 now'

"well I hope so because I feel like I can take on a leviathan like this" said Amber "crakora" said shadow blank as he fired a lightning bolt which sent her flying into a tree but she lands on it as shadow blank lunges at her and Amber grabs the tree and uses it to smash into his face but it does nothing as he tackles her sending the both of them through multiple trees but Amber then boots his stomach stopping him as she then slams him into the ground and punches him multiple times in the face then blasts him in the head with a laser "ignus fangs" said shadow blank as flaming jaws appear and bite into Amber's arms but she shakes them off as shadow blank then uppercuts her into the sky before flying up and going to claw her but as he got up there Pyronica found Amber's katana and threw it to her and Amber caught it just in time to blast shadow blank's head off.... only for it to grow back "what the- 'shadow blank grabs her and choke slams her into the ground but Amber then boots him in the chin to get him off' how did you not die from that" said Amber getting back up "would you believe me if I said Nanomachines son?" said shadow blank "I dunno man" said Amber "well to be truthful with you, my body can regenerate from any type of harm, even if a single atom remains, you can't hurt me" said shadow blank "well that's good to know, cause now I can stop holding back" said Amber "wait you've been holding back!" said shadow blank flabbergasted "yeah, and honestly I haven't even needed to use my semblance yet and you're not going to like it" said Amber as an image of Ruby appeared over her briefly and she suddenly moves forward as a blur leaving behind orange flower pedals and slashed and punched shadow blank before he could react before he then hit her back into a large rock and then charged at her but a image of Weiss appeared over Amber before disappearing and she spawned a black glyph underneath shadow blank stopping him in his tracks before an image of Blake appeared and she spawns 5 clones which start beating on shadow blank until he spawns spider legs impaling the clones, only to have them explode thanks to fire dust she had engulfing the shadow demon in flames "in case you're wondering, my semblance allows me to copy the semblances of others by seeing them use them" said Amber as shadow blank roared causing a shockwave that blew away the smoke  "THAT'S BULLS***!!" shouted shadow blank in anger "maybe, but it works" said Amber as shadow blank turned his hands into cannons and pointed them at her "HELLFIRE WAVE!" shouted shadow blank as he fired beams of hellfire as Amber used Weiss's glyphs to spawn ice to block it long enough to use Ruby's semblance to move out of the way and then knee him in the nuts causing him to scream like a 5 year old girl before Amber shot him in the face with electric bullets 6 times point blank in the face electrocuting him as shadow blank then gut punched her and then started rapid punching her JOJO style "so you like to follow that pampered ice princess huh well, BLIZZARA!" shouted shadow blank as he froze Amber in a massive block of ice before launching it into the air and blowing it up with Amber in it though it didn't do much to Amber as she fires a laser hitting shadow blank directly on the noggin getting his attention and he launches himself upwards only to smash through a glass illusion as Amber had used Neo's illusions to mask her using Weiss's glyphs to move herself into drop kicking shadow blank in the jaw and then grabbing him and dunking him onto the ground then blasting herself down with her lasers and slamming her knee into his stomach causing the shadow demon to cough up blood "first blood" said Amber as she smashes her fist against shadow blank's face multiple times before standing him up and delivering several punches to his chest but shadow blank then screamed in her face forcing her to cover her ears as he then punted her away before firing multiple finger lasers pelting her with them before stretching his arm out and grabbing her then slamming her to the ground and begins cackling like mad, until Amber uppercutted him and then summoning a clone to bear hug him as Amber shoots that clone in the head causing it to explode in his face as Amber then slashed shadow blank with her katana but shadow blank then punched her away and teleported a dozen yards away from her and floated 50 feet into the air "I got to admit Amber I certainly underestimated you and your shonen power up" said shadow blank "so you're giving up now?" said Amber "HAH!, hardly because much like you were I've been holding back my full power too" said shadow blank as the ground began to shake and Amber looked over to the mountain that was in the distance behind shadow blank began rumbling as the shadow demon slowly lifted his arms incasing the mountain in a telekinetic field and lifting it 100 ft into the air as Amber's jaw dropped in terrified awe at the power "I hope you enjoyed playing hero because now it's over!" said shadow blank as he began cackling madly as the mountain was over him but then Amber saw an orb of energy fly towards it and the mountain then was liquefied breaking from shadow blank's telekinesis as Amber turned to see Pyronica having been the one to throw it as she gave a nod to Amber and Amber nodded back as the liquid rock fell onto shadow blank nearly drowning him in molten rock as he fell to the ground "you know I've realised something, you lot seem to have names for your attacks so I might as well give it a shot 'Amber began charging a laser as shadow blank slowly made his way out of the molten rock' AMBER CANNON, FIRE!!" said Amber as with the rest of her strength put it all into one big blast hitting shadow blank dead on slowly disintegrating the shadow demon until he was no more aside from his hat and the laser shot off further to the point it made it to the group of huntresses (+ Jaune and Ren) as they all see it shoot by in shock.

'end battle music 2 now'

We cut back to Amber who stops the laser and breathes heavily as she fell to her knees as with her energy depleted her orange hair turns back to the black hair she's used to as she looks on smiling at she won as Pyronica walks over to her "not bad kid" said Pyronica offering Amber her hand which she takes and is helped up as Chill walks to them and Amber looks worried once she sees him "I must admit, although you are still young and you and your allies have done nothing but piss me off all day, I can admire your determination to protect your friends and its something I can respect" said Cornel Chill "thank you, so you two aren't going to keep fighting?" said Amber "nah, we had a chat while you were fighting that shadow guy and worked things out, turns out we have quite a bit in common" said Pyronica "that's good, wait, how are you two going to get home?" said Amber "the shadow demon gave us devices to take us back to our universe when our battle was finished" said Cornel Chill taking out a small device and pressing a button on it opening a portal "well I guess it's goodbye then" said Amber "yeah, but don't worry, who knows we may even visit if we want a vacation" said Pyronica "alright!" said Amber as the two elementalists walk into the portal and it closes as Amber waves them off smiling, Amber then hears multiple footsteps running at her and turns in the direction of where she shot the laser to see the group running to her as Cinder hugs her while the others stopped "Amber are you ok?" said Cinder worried "yeah sis I'm fine" said Amber "what happened here?" said Emerald "well-" said Amber as we cut to her in Ozpin's office with Ruby, Jaune and Cinder sitting with her "so after you broke off from your group you found the being who told us about the elementalists who admitted to being the one who sent them there for evil intentions" said Ozpin "yeah and after the two found and fought each other for a bit I was able to convince them that there were good and innocent people in Remnant and once they found out they got angry that they were being used so obliterated the being then went back to their own universe" said Amber "well while I'm ashamed for being duped like that I am thankful this was resolved without too much violence aside from miss Xiao Long's arm and the being being killed" said Ozpin "Yang's going to be alright right?" said Ruby "yes Ruby while her arm is broken it can be fixed, besides its not the first time the nurse has completely reconstructed bones before, 'clears throat' also I want to thank you lot for helping to not have Remnant be destroyed, as a reward your teams shall have the rest of the week off" said Ozpin "thank you sir" said the girls and Jaune as they left his office and were walking down a hallway "well we got most the week off now, so what do we do?" said Jaune "well I'm thinking of getting something to eat" said Amber "I guess I'll get to cooking then" said Cinder "could you make some for us too?" said Ruby "sure, but Amber your helping me" said Cinder "fair enough" said Amber "man, I'm glad this whole elementalist thing is over, but still it would be nice to have something that can help me get stronger if what shadow blank said is true, but for now I should just take these chill days" said Amber as we move outside Beacon as we see a cliffside overlooking Beacon as shadow blank's hat rolls to it and stops at the edge as dark blue substance goes into it from the bottom when suddenly two sets of fingers, one set having knives at the finger tips come out of it and lift it up as shadow blank reforms completely and after his head is back he places his hat on his head before putting his arms behind his back "well, Amber you may've won this battle but should you now realise this means war, so make every second of your time off count because I'll be back and I won't be so kind next time" said shadow blank as he starts cackling as he moves backwards into the darkness behind him.

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