Chapter 1

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It was always the same thing in these meetings. When Aegon spoke all listened but nobody spoke. That was the thing about his brother, he was a charismatic speaker and knew how to win a battle of words as decisively as he knew how to win a battle of swords. Aegon wanted to conquer the seven kingdoms of Westeros to bring them under one rule, that of House Targaryen.

Orys Baratheon was the first to add his words of consent, as was always the case. They were best friends after all. Orys was also their half-brother, born when their father took a woman by the lord's right on the first night. The common folk saw Orys reverently unlike other bastards would be seen. He was a dragon seed after all. Nobody spoke against the idea, nodding along as if it was the best course of action to have ever been constructed. Nobody but one.

Maelor argued behind the validity of this plan, about all that could go wrong in trying to achieve this goal. They had three dragons and three riders. The victory was all but assured for them. Yet dragons were not infallible. A year in there could be a rebellion, someone could find a way to fell these mighty beasts. And then what? Their foot soldiers were abysmal compared to the rest. Even with Houses Velaryon, Celtigar, Massey and Bar Emmon added, their numbers were not good enough. Should the dragons be disposed of, everybody would turn on them.

For his inquiry he was on the receiving end of sour looks from Orys Baratheon and Lords Velaryon, Celtigar, Massey and Bar Emmon. Aegon merely frowned while Rhaenys scowled. Rhaenys' expression hurt him the most. She was supposed to be his twin, they shared a womb. Yet she never understood him or his worries. It was always chivalry, songs and dances that interested her above anything else, all of which Maelor was not proficient in.

"Dragons are not so easy to take down" Orys Baratheon spoke, the hidden jab aimed at Maelor to remind him that his opinion was of little matter. Maelor had no dragon of his own, he never bonded to one to anyone's knowledge. That made everyone see him as below his other siblings who were dragon riders. He was an able warrior, more skilled than his brother with a sword and by far the best archer in Dragonstone. Yet he was not seen with pride like his siblings because he was not a dragonrider.

"Orys isn't wrong Maelor" Aegon spoke, "Balerion, Vhagar and Meraxes are not that easy to take down. Trust us, we've ridden them and understand what they are capable of. Our ground troops are strong and have capable men leading them. There is little for you to worry about" the elder Targaryen comforted his brother. But Maelor was not the least bit comforted, not when all eyes present pinned him wither with disgust or disappointment.

"Argilac The Arrogant sent our envoy back with two hands less" Rhaenys changed the subject. "And the master says the man will not survive. It is a wonder he was able to make it this far with the fever."

"Then I suppose there's not much we can do about it then" Aegon sighed. "Ready the men. We depart for the mainland. We will land on the northern end of The Blackwater Rush. That will be where our capital will stand, where I will sit and conduct matters of The Kingdom" Aegon declared.

"What about Dragonstone?" Lord Velaryon questioned, "who will sit on the seat of your ancestors."

"My heir of course!" Aegon said with fluid ease. "Dragonstone will be The Seat of The Heir to my throne."

All seemed to nod along but Maelor simply grits his teeth. He said nothing, not even after the meeting was concluded and his siblings invited him to join them at The Sept to pray before they left. Maelor left without a word to any of them. The next time the siblings saw one another was at the firepits near the Dragonmont. Aegon and his wives were preparing to mount their dragons when Maelor was seen there. All three siblings were surprised to see him there. They tried to talk to him but he ignored them and walked past them, going around the Dragonmont to its eastern side. All three knew what was on that side of the volcano and all three stiffened. Hastily they followed their sibling.

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