Chapter 10

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The sight of the burning sept had been what welcomed Maelor when he had finally come to Kings Landing. The Kingsguard had arrived before him, what they did once they had arrived, he didn't know. Visenya welcomed him, as did Alys Harroway. Maelor was taken to Aegonfort, where he met with his nephew. There was something off about him, unfocused eyes and face contorted in discomfort. He had suffered a wound, Maelor had been informed. He seemed to have recovered enough to perform his duties as King.

"My brother's wife had declared her son as the true king. Not her daughter, but her son. Fight with me uncle, help me put down her claims."

"Her son is your brother's son as well, Maegor. You will be a Kinslayer if you do that. And there is no one more cursed than a Kinslayer. See reason and put Aenys' daughter on the throne. It is her birthright."

"I will take that as a no then."

Maelor had been taken away to the Hand's chambers. He had been there most of Maegor's reign. He was looked after, and taken care of by the servants. Maegor would visit him after every battle, telling him about what happened. It was from Maegor that Maelor learned about the war against The Faith, a war Maelor wanted Maegor to win at any cost. He was informed of Wat the Hewer and his men's butchering at Stonebridge. Wat was brought in chains to the capital.

The second visit came three days later. Maegor had joined this battle himself, atop Balerion and commanding a strong twenty-five thousand against a strong twenty thousand assorted warrior sons, poor fellows, household knights, puissant knights and feudal levies, led by Ser Horys Hill, Lord Rupert Falwell, Ser Lyonel Lorch, Ser Allyn Terrick, Lord Tristifer Wayn and Lord Jon Lychester. The fight lasted one night. And once Maegor had returned, he had made it known that he would be taking another wife. Another Grand Maester lost his life protesting for Lady Vaena.

Maelor had been there to witness Maegor's third marriage, as was Wat the Hewer, who was limbless and there as a witness. But he was not the one that had Maelor's attention. Visenya and Vhagar had dropped in on Driftmark and persuaded her to come back to court. Alyssa, her three children, her brother and the rest of her family had come to kneel before Maegor and accept him as their King.

When the children had seen Maelor, they had run to him, all three tackling him into a hug. Maelor laughed, wrapping his arms around them all. "You've grown thin good uncle," said Alyssa Velaryon with a smile.

"Age and worry would do that to a man" Maelor answered, letting go of the children to embrace his nephew's widow. "You've not gotten any healthier either. How do things fare with Aegon and Rhaena?"

"Stuck at Casterly Rock still. Aegon's losing support every day. And my presence here is adding nothing but salt to his wound."

"Rhaena, you mean Rhaena's losing support" Maelor corrected her.

"But grand uncle Rhaena is a woman" Jaehaerys argued. "Wouldn't Aegon's claim be stronger than hers?"

"Why would it?" Maelor asked his grandnephew. "Your sister is The Blood of Old Valyria, a dragon rider. Just as my brother and your grandfather Aegon were. And it is by Aegon's law that the firstborn child, regardless of gender, be the heir to the throne."

"But she's a woman. Her duties are only to her husband and the children she will bear" Viserys added, genuine confusion in their tone.

"You both have not kept up with your Valyrian Studies, I see" he spoke with a touch of disappointment in his voice, enough to make both boys lower their heads. "Let me tell you this. In Old Valyria both men and women rode dragons and fought in wars big and small. There was no difference between them in those times, a dragonrider was a warrior and a valuable asset. The only reason you will see Valyrian descent women being treated as the minority is because of Andals and their customs. It is not my place to shit on their customs, but House Targaryen is Valyrian, as is Houses Velaryon. Our way is the old way. If our daughters are good enough to ride dragons, fight in wars and do battle, they are good enough to sit on the throne and rule. To be a great ruler, you need a sound mind, an able body and a soul that feels the pain of others. Having cock and balls is not necessary. Your sister Rhaena is the firstborn, the blood of my brother Aegon. The Throne is hers by right, not your brother's."

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