Chapter 8

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As the rebels rose, so did they fall. Maelor and Vaena took down Dorne for the last time, and Maegor dealt with Jonos Arryn alongside Lord Allar Royce. Goren Greyjoy bolstered by the royal fleet took down Lodos and his followers and Lord Alyn Stokeworth took down Red Harren. But with happy news comes sad ones. Lord Alyn Stokeworth was taken down by Red Harren, who was later avenged by Bernarr Brune, his squire. In a separate incident, Maester Gawen had fallen to his death as well. Most thought that the man was old and had fallen off the ledge of the raven tower. It was news that saddened the king greatly and there was a moment of mourning held for the late Hand of The King and Grand Maester.

But afterwards, there was a feast held in honour of the Lords and Knights that lead their forces against the rebels for their King. They were all given gold, titles and lands of their own. Bernarr Brune was knighted by The King himself. The most controversial boon bestowed on his leal subject was the one that he bestowed on Goren Greyjoy, giving him the choice of whatever he desired. The choice in itself was a big blunder on the part of The King, for Goren could have wanted anything, like the Queen or even the princess and The King would be honour bound to give him that. But the choice that Goren made had thrown Aenys' favour with the pious even lower. Goren wished for permission to expel the Faith of The Seven from The Iron Island. It incurred the fury of The Faith.

With the death of Alyn Stokeworth, Aenys elected his uncle Maelor to be his hand, having heard so many good things about the man's ability to lead from his father and witnessing from close how he played around the politics of court. Maelor's replacement as Master of Coin was selected by Maelor himself. Maegor was given the post and the man did well in it. Then the first bit of complication rose two years into Aenys' rule.

That morning Maelor had not expected to be given such a horrid news. The day began normally for him, an early wake-up, breakfast with his wife and three of Aenys' younger children. Much like how he had been with Maegor, Aerion, Vaena and Valeria, he took the younger children under his tutelage while the heir was with his father, learning to rule the kingdom. Aegon would have joined his other three siblings as well, but Aenys kept both him and Rhaena close. Maelor had the distinct feeling that Aenys was raising Aegon to be his heir alongside Rhaena. For now, he didn't find that too worrying, for some bad omen could always fall on the eldest and the second born would have to take the reign. Should Aenys put his son above his daughter, Maelor would have a stern talk with The King.

"Princess Alyssane" one of Aenys' Kingsguard had been allowed into the chambers as per The Hand's permission. "Your mother is looking for you. She says it is time for your lessons with The Septa."

The pout on Alyssane's face made Maelor smile. The little girl liked to spend more time with her brothers and grand uncle more than she did with The Speta. She was fascinated by the stories that Maelor told, of Old Valyria and Oros, of the Dothraki that was taken down in the battle of the green sea, about the culture that he encountered across the narrow sea. She preferred it to her lessons with her Septa.

"How about after your lessons you accompany me while I work? I could tell you more stories. All three of you" Maelor spoke, much to the happiness of all three. Alyssane was still reluctant but she left eventually. Viserys and Jaehaerys left not too long after. Viserys had training with the master of arms, while Jaehaerys would sit and watch him like he always did.

"They remind me of our children," Alayne said once the three were gone. Maelor smiled at his wife, pulling her close to him and planting a kiss on her cheek. He knew that when she meant their children, she meant all three. Their youngest might have died, but she was forever in their heart.

"Maybe we could go and visit them" he suggested, "take some time off at the King's pleasure and go to Old Town and then Winterfell. I'm sure our grandchildren would enjoy that as well. We could take Cannibal with us, for a faster journey."

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