Chapter 22

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"Dad, Are you sure?" Jacob asked.

"Yes, Jake. I am." Andy said as he packed a bag for himself. "I have to go."

"We know that, dad. But what if-" Sophia began but Andy stopped her.

"I will bring your mom home to you, okay? You'll be staying with a friend of mine till I come back." Andy said.

"Who?" Jacob asked.

"Remember Peter?" Andy asked.

"Yeah." Both of them answered.

"You'll be staying with him. You'll be safe." Andy said, closing his bag. "Everything will be alright."

"Okay, dad." Sophia hugged her father. "Just come back."

"Yes, fifi." Andy said. "I promise."

"How long?" Jacob asked.

"I don't know." Andy said.

"Okay." Sophia said, pulling away from her father. "Should we pack our bags?"

"Yeah. Go pack." Andy said and Sophia went to pack her bag. "Jake, what's wrong?"

"You'll be okay, right?" He asked.

"I'll be fine, Jake. Don't worry." Andy assured his son.

"Why can't the police do this? Why you?" Jacob sobbed.

"Hey, hey. Come here." Andy now hugged his son. "You know I tried, Jake." Andy said. He hadn't told them about the threat from Ransom. "It wasn't going well. So, now I have to go."

"Just be safe, dad. I need you." Jacob cried.

"I will, Jake. I promised, didn't I?" Andy asked.

"O-Okay." Jacob said and pulled away, wiping his tears. "I'll go pack."

"Sure." Andy said, watching his son go to his room.

Andy sighed and sat down on his bed, his hand going to the chain on his neck where he had kept your engagement ring. He had this plan ready. But Andy had his doubts. Would this work? Will he find Y/N? Andy was ready.


"Okay. I'll drop you to school like usual. And then Peter will come and take you with him. I'll have your bags with me in my car. Just go with him. He has everything ready for you guys. Behave and don't trouble him. He will be working more since I won't be here. Understand?"

"Yes, dad." Sophia answered.

"Okay. Go get ready for dinner. I've made spaghetti."

Both of them stood up and went to clean up before dinner. Dinner went quickly as Jacob and Sophia kept asking questions to Andy about you. "Do you know how she is?" Jacob asked.

"No." Andy lied. He knew exactly how you were. Injured, hurt and scared. "I hope she'll be okay."

"Do you know where she is?" Sophia asked.


"Where?" She asked.

"I can't tell you." Andy said.


"It's for your own good, Fifi." Andy said and stood up with his plate, putting it in the sink. "I can't tell you."

Sophia sighed, "Okay."

"Come on, finish up. You have school tomorrow."


Andy dropped Jacob and Sophia to school and went to his office where he waited for Peter to come. Andy had parked in his usual spot in the parking lot when he heard a car coming in. Andy stepped out as Peter did. "Good morning, Mr. Barber." Peter greeted his boss with a smile.

"Good morning to you too, Parker." Andy said, opening his trunk and removing Jacob and Sophia's bags. "Here."

"Yeah. Hold on." Peter said, opening the trunk and helping Andy putting the bags in. "I'll go and pick them."

"Yeah. You know when, right?" Andy asked.

"Yes, boss." Peter said. "You will be taking my car?"

"Yes." Andy nodded, "It'll be better if I did. you don't mind, do you?"

"No, Mr. Barber. You can take it."

"Thanks. You will go and take the kids to your place. Come back here and I'll take your car with me to Boston, okay?" Andy said.

"Yes." Peter said.

"I'm really glad you're helping me, Parker. Thank you." Andy said.

"It's alright, Mr. Barber. Like I said, I'd be doing the same thing if I was in your place." He said.

"What's her name?" Andy asked.

"Michelle Jones." Peter said, "We call her MJ for short."

"That's a nice name." Andy said, "We should get back to work."


"Is Jensen coming with you too?" Peter asked as he came in the parking lot after dropping Jacob and Sophia and saw Jensen standing in there with Andy.

"Yeah. He's helping me." Andy said.

"Oh, okay." Peter said and nodded. "I've dropped them at my place."

"Good. How were they?" Andy asked.

"They said they were fine. But I could tell they were pretty scared." Peter said.

"I'll talk to them later." Andy said. "You ready?" He asked Jensen who was looking in his bag.

"Yeah." Jensen said.

"Let's leave then." Andy said.

"The keys, Mr. Barber." Peter said, handing Andy the keys to his car. "Good luck."

"Thanks, Peter." Andy smiled at the young man. "Keep them safe."

"Of course." Peter said as Andy sat in the driver seat and Jensen sat in nest to him. "I'll see you soon."

"See you soon, Parker." Andy said, closing the window. Andy changed the gear to drive and drove out of the parking lot.


"You okay?" Jensen asked as Andy drove on the highway.

"I'm fine." Andy said, but inside he was scared as shit. "Just a little scared I guess."

"It'll be okay." Jensen assured him. "I mean we do have a plan B if plan A doesn't work."

"I know." Andy sighed, "Let's just hope plan A works."

Complicated ~ Andy BarberWhere stories live. Discover now