Chapter 10

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"Hey, kids." Andy said as he came back home from work and saw them both sitting on the couch watching TV. He walked over and kissed Sofia's cheek and ruffled Jacob's hair. 

"Dad!" Jacob exclaimed. 

"What? Would you rather have me give you a kiss? I know you hate those." Andy said. 

"Yeah, yeah." Jacob mumbled, turning his attention back to the show he was watching. 

"Where's your mom, Fifi?" Andy asked. Usually he would find the three cuddled under the sheets and watching TV. 

"In her room. She went straight to her room after coming from work. Hasn't come down since." Sofia said. 

"Is she okay?" Andy said. 

"I don't know, dad. I tried to talk but she didn't answer." She said. Sofia had started calling him dad after he had told her the truth. 

"Okay. I'll go and talk to her. You guys stay here." Andy said and went upstairs. 

Andy opened the door and saw you up curled up in a ball under the blankets. he closed the door and rushed to you when he heard sobbing. "Y/N." Andy put a hand on your shoulder. "You okay, baby?" You slowly poked your head out and looked at Andy with tear- filled eyes. "Hey, what's wrong? What happened, honey bee?" Andy became worried. 

You wiped your tears and sat up, "I-I saw Ransom today." You said. 

"What did he do, honey bee?" Andy said and noticed the dried blood on your lower lip.

"Hello, sweetheart. How are you?" The voice said. You froze on spot when you recognized the voice. "Did you miss me?" 

You turned around and came face to face with your ex- husband, Ransom Drysdale. 

"W-What are you doing here, Ransom?" 

"I came to see you, dear wife." He said and put his hands on either sides of you, trapping you between him and your car.

"I'm not your wife, Ransom. Not anymore. Let me go." You said. 

"And here I thought you missed me. Come on, give me a kiss." Ransom leaned in for a kiss, but you slapped him. He looked at you in shock. "You bitch." He snarled, grabbing you by the neck and pushed you against the car. "I see you still have the same force, sweetheart." He chuckled, kissing you forcefully and increased the pressure on your neck. 

You screamed when Ransom harshly bit down on your bottom lip. You kept clawing at his hand that held you back. Ransom smiled devilishly as he pulled away. A few drops of your blood on his lips. "You remember what I told you before going to jail?" He said, his hand still gripping your throat, making you gasp for air.

But before you could answer you heard William yelling at Ransom. "Hey! What are you doing?" He yelled as he saw Ransom's hand on your neck. "Leave her alone." 

"Stay the fuck out, you old man. This is none of your business." Ransom said to him. 

"Yes, it is. Leave her or I'll call security." William threatened. 

Ransom stared hard at William, but released his hold on you and you fell to the floor, coughing due to the lack of air. Ransom looked down at you. "I'll be back soon. Mark my words, I will destroy your and your boyfriend's life." He said and walked away. 

"You okay, dear?" William asked as he helped you stand up. 

"I'm fine, William. Thank you." You said. 

"Should I drive you home? You don't look like you can drive." He said. 

"No need, William. I've driven in worse conditions than this." You said. 

"Are you sure?" He asked. 

"Yes, William. Thank you for helping." You smiled at him. 

"Of course, dear. Anytime. Now go home, rest. Hmm. And take tomorrow off." 


"It's an order. If I see you here I will kick you out myself." He said. 

"Okay. I'll go home. Bye." You said and got inside your car and drove off. 

"Thank God William came otherwise..." You trailed off. 

"God, baby. I'm sorry." Andy said. 

"It's not your fault, Andy." You said. 

Andy sighed putting his forehead against yours and lightly caressed your cheek with his thumb, "We'll get a restraining order on him. He won't be able to come near you. I'll make sure of that." 

"What if he hurts you o-or the kids? They don't know, Andy." You sobbed. 

"Shh, nothing will happen, honey bee." Andy said. "I won't let anything happen to you or the kids. I promise." 

"C-Can we move somewhere, Andy?" You said. "I don't want to stay near him." 

"We'll see what to do, okay? Get some rest and I'll make dinner." Andy said and kissed your forehead. 

"I'll come help you." You said. 

"No. Stay here. I'll come bring something for you, hmm?" Andy said. 

"Fine." You said. 

Andy smiled and kissed you, "I'll get fresh and make something, okay?" 

You lied back down, "Something edible please, Chef Barber."

"Hahaha." Andy laughed as he went inside the bathroom. 


Andy searched for houses on his laptop. He was concerned about what you had told him. He'd promised to keep you and the kids safe and was going to keep his promise. Everyone was asleep while Andy was searching for houses in another city. Hoping Ransom won't find them there. Ransom's words kept ringing in Andy's head repeatedly. 

"I'll ruin your life. Both of yours. Mark my words. You won't always have him to save you."

Complicated ~ Andy BarberNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ