Chapter 21

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"Hey, Barber." Duffy said as she answered her phone.

"Anything?" Andy asked.

"No." Duffy said. Another month had passed as Andy kept looking for you. He did that by laying low. He had prepared a routine to make it look like he had given up to look for you. Just like you told him to. "How are you?"

"Not good." Andy answered. "I call Blanc and told him not to keep investigating for a while."

"Yeah. He texted me." Duffy said. "Are you sure this is right way, Barber?"

"Yes. It's the only way." Andy said.

"What if he gets suspicious?"

"He won't. I noticed he's put a guy following my every move. It's the only thing I can do." Andy said.

"I hope you're right, Barber." Duffy said.

"I hope so, too." Andy said. "I want her back."

"You will." Duffy sighed, "Why don't you take a break, Andy? Spend some time with the kids."

"I am, Pam." Andy said. "The kids keep asking me when Y/N will be back? What am I supposed to tell them?"

"Andy, calm down." Duffy said. "She'll be home with you guys, okay? We have to keep going with the plan."

"What if we get nothing?" Andy doubted.

"We will. I am sure of it."

"Fine." Andy sighed.

"I'll call you later. Bye." She said.

"Yeah. Bye." Andy said and hung up. Andy put the phone down and walked up to the map of Boston he'd hung up on the wall and made another cross mark on a location with a red marker. It was filled with possible locations where Ransom could be. And also with many cross marks. There was still a few places left. "Where are you, honey bee?" Andy mumbled to himself and his phone started ringing. "Hello?"

"Hey, Barber. I found Drysdale." Jensen said.

Andy's phone almost slipped out of his hand, "W-What? Where?"

"I've the info with me." Jensen said.

"I-Is Y/N with him?" Andy asked.

"I think so." Jensen said.

"O-Okay." Andy said. "Can you come over? We should go through everything."

"Yeah. Of course." Jensen said, "See ya." He finished and hung up.


"I face scanned him and I found him at a cafe in Boston." Jensen said, showing Andy the images he had got of Ransom. "So, I traced him and he's staying in this place." He showed him the big mansion.

"Wait. That's his grandfather's house." Andy said. "I know where that is."

"That's great then." Jensen said.

"I'll text Duffy." Andy said and texted Duffy about Ransom's location. A few minutes later his went went off. "Hey, Duffy."

"You found him?" She asked.

"Yeah." Andy said, "I'm coming there, Duffy."

"No, Andy. You need to look after kids." Duffy said, "He'll know if you leave town."

"I know, Duffy. I have a plan." Andy said. "Just let me explain."

"Okay. Go ahead."

Complicated ~ Andy BarberWhere stories live. Discover now